Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best Deviants post, ever

Didn't tribute Mick Farren here when he passed, purely an oversight.....always enjoyed his writings in Trouser Press as a teen, and is work with the Deviants was some WAY out there shit, maybe you are unfamiliar with it, and if so, here's hoping you pick up on something cool.

The Deviants (originally "Social Deviants") had no question their "own" sound, Farren used the words "A cross between the Stooges and the Mothers of Invention" which I repeat only because it is so 1) funny, and 2) accurate. The  "band" consisted of Farren and a floating collection of his buddies, in 1967 a lineup of Farren, Sid Bishop on guitar/sitar, Cord Rees on bass/spanish guitar, and Russell Hunter on drums (along with several other collaborators) released "Ptooof!"......at worst an ambitious album, for my money very listenable and underappreciated. Standout tracks include the razor-sharp "Garbage" and the fine "I'm Coming Home", MUCH MUCH more influntial than successful (I know I say that a good bit but it fits here to a "T").  This is an album that is important in the scheme of things that came later, a must hear.

1968's "Disposable" is even more "out there" and is likely the career highpoint, should that be the terminology for which I search....crazed, drug fueled, Mothers/Fugs inspired......"Let's Loot the Supermarket", "Blind Joe McTurk's Last Lesson".....a forgotten classic.

"The Deviants" (sometimes referred to as "III")....another brain-damaged classic, "Black George Does It With His Tongue", "Death of a Dream Machine".....Farren and the band evidently differed on the direction in which they were to head, Farren went out on his own, while the remainder became at least one incarnation of the Pink Fairies. Farren's solo works, which I am hoping I am able to find here (I KNOW I have em) "Mona the  Carnivourous Circus" and "Vampires Stole My Lunch Money" bring the picture full circle, this was a man whose mind operated a bit differently, spoken of course, as the highest of compliments.

I have a couple of compilations, "Black Tracks" and "On Your Knees Earthing" which overlap the
original three albums a good bit, BUT do also provide us with some other tracks that are of use.....don't have the live "Human Garbage" and don't know if I ever did, I'm sure this is one crew whose live shows most likely tended to go WAYYY over the top.....

Mick Farren passed away not too terribly long ago.....I miss his work as a critic, as a musician, a science fiction writer, just as one of those minds that works on a different plane than those of most of the rest of us seem to.....PLEASE letme know your thoughts on Farren/the Deviants these are very, very good albums, quite a bit ahead of their time, and influenced a LOT of what would come around later......You owe it to yourself if unfamiliar!

PTOOOF!-01 Opening/02 I'm Coming Hom/03 Child of the Sky/04 Charlie/05 Nothing Man/06 Garbage/07 Bun/08 Deviation Street

DISPOSABLE-01 Somewhere To Go/02 Shadows and Wires/03 Jamie's Song/04 You've Got a Hold On/06 Fier In the City/07 Let's Loot the Supermarket (like We Did Last Summer)/08 Pappa-oo-mao-mao/09 Slumlord/10 Blind Joe McTurk's Last Lesson/Normality Jones/11 Guarenteed to Bleed/12 Sadney B Goode/3 Last Man

THE DEVIANTS (3)-01 Billy the Monster/02 Broken Bisuits/03 First Line/04 The People Suite/05 Rambling Black Death Transit Machine/06 Death of a Deram Machine/07 Playtime/08 Black George Does It With His Tongue/09 The Junior Narco Reorts/10 Let's Drink to the People/11Metamorphis Explosion

ON YOUR KNEES EARTHILINGS-01 People's Suite/02 You've Got To Hold On/03 Trouble Coming Every Day/04 Observe the Ravens/05 It's alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeing), 06 All In the picture/07 God's Worst Nightmare/08 Last Man/09 Deviation Street/10 Jamie's Song/11 Play With Fire/12 Arts of Darkness/13 I'm Coming Home/14 Envy/15 Lost Johnny/16 See That My Grave Is Kept Clean/17 When the World Was Kept Clean/18 That's Where all the Trouble Stared

BLACK TRACKS 1967-96-01 Somewhere To Go/02 Mona, Pt.1/03 Attack Ships of Zeta Reticuli/04
I Wanna Drink/05 Screwed Up/06 Pappa-Oo-Mao-Mao/07 Eating Jello With a Heated Fork/08 Half Priced Drinks/09 Billy The Monster/10 Bela Lugosi/11 Thunder on the Mountain/12 Garbage/13 Fast Eddie/14 RambB (L) Ack Transit Blues/15 Nothing Man/16 Junior Narco Rangers/17 Three Headed Lobster Boy/18 Slum Lord/19 Let's Loot the Supermarket Again (Like We Did last Summer)

(MICK FARREN)-MONA-THE CARNIVOROUS CIRCUS-01 Mona (A Fragment)/02 Carnivorous Circus Part1/03 Summertime Blues/04 Carnivorous Circus Part 2/05 Mona (The Whole Trip)

(MICK FARREN)-VAMPIRES STOLE MY LUNCH MONEY-01 Trouble Coming Every Day/02 Half Price Drinks/03 Don't Want To Go This Way/04 I Want a Drink/05 Son of a Millionaire/06 Zombie Line/07 Bela Lugosi/08 People Call You Crazy/09 Fast Eddie/10 Let Me In Damn You/11 (I Know From) Self Destruction/12 Drunk In the Morning

Kinda hard to swallow at times, but MOST rewarding.....smart, goofy, and influential. Comes highly recommended from UncleBig, an endosrsemnt few can pass on....Mick Farren, you are missed....RIP for having one of "those" kind of minds that always worked a few degrees away from the mainstream, its you guys who keep the planet intersting! These are (all) some interesting works of drug-damaged 1970's thinking, good stuff all! See ya tonight? Tomorrow? sometime......

Links in the morning (Eastern Standard Time).......man trying to knock these out  AS WLL AS  watch the baseball playoffs is some TAXING work!


  1. Black tracks

    disposable part 1

    disposable p2

  2. Mona pt 1

    Mona pt 2

    n Your Knees


    deviants pt1

    deiants pt 2

    vampires pt 1

    vampires pt 2

  3. Cool stuff, and very useful for my current work in progress, a comprehensive history of the horror genre in every imaginable medium, from 1890 to 1980. I've been looking for a couple of the songs in this batch. Thanks, Big Scott!

  4. File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server

  5. Pretty sure that just about every file posted by this site is expired.

  6. Files current but do not pass a google virus check/infected
