Sunday, June 1, 2014

I Decline

From Chicago Illinois comes this hard-rocking, semi-stoner, semi-thrash band, they seem most
similar to perhaps Thin Lizzy's twin-guitar attack, maybe with a bit of Black Sabbath and some random hardcore thrash thrown in, if that makes any sense to ya.

I DO NOT have their full discography, hopefully some Chicagoan-type (Bears fan!) might have the others.....what I DO have are two albums, starting with what I consider a great album, "Thesoundtrackfortherestofyourlife" (hey, I didn't title it).....from 2000, a damn fine, cohesive effort, LOTS of oddball, hard rocking shit on here, sort of like a stoner-metal Pink Floyd effort, should you grasp my meaning (if not, sorry, I am intoxicated as I write this).......this is the better of the two efforts to which I have, if you are unfamiliar (most are), this is where I would go.

'Cause, to honest witcha, the other disc I have isn't really that great.....what I do have is 2003's "The Ides of Riffdom" which I listened to once again this morning......not NEARLY as innovative nor as rocking as the previous effort. They TRY, but efforts like "Skeleton Dance" and "Raze Lazerus", while fine hard-rocking tunes, seem to fall just a bit short.....not awful by any means, but also not up to the quality of the first album.

And that is it. They released "Time to Shine" in 2011, and "The Force Within Us" in 2013....I have never heard a note of either of them, nor can I find them on the Bay or anything......if you have them, as always, PLEASE share, we fans of hard-core riff-rock can never get enough......

Anyway, if I were completely unfamiliar, I would at least download "Soundtrack", it's a pretty damn good album, and if it does it for ya, go for the other one too.....see ya tomorrow with God only knows what.

SOUNTRACKFORTHERESTOFYOURLIFE-01 The Gunslinger/02 I Witness/03 Heat Seeker/04 Five Realms (Part 1)/05 Little John/06 Where Oz Takes Me/07 Lose Your Mind To Fly/08 America Take 2/09 The Venus Flies/10 Five Realms (Part 2)/11 City of Gold/12 The Ohio Dragon Song/13 Tom's Song/14 Dusting Off a Ghost/15 Year of the Black Rabbit

THE IDES OF RIFFDOM-01 If We Sucked You'd Like Us/02 Street Scene/03 Raze Lazerus (You Know Who's the Thief)/04 Yeah, You Did/05 Dolio's Montreaux/06 Skeleton Dance/07 I, Rifflord/08 Give 'em a hand

As usual, see what ya of right now I have no clue what I'll put up tomorrow, hopefully, if you don't like THIS one, it'll be something right up YER alley. Goodnight!


  1. IDES


  3. Sounds interesting - appreciate the lesser known stuff you put up!

  4. gay agenda strike forceJune 16, 2014 at 11:41 AM

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