Saturday, March 21, 2015

Reggae greatness compliments of Cliff from the UK

As he had promised, Cliff from the UK has provided us with some awesome reggae stuff, as I have said, I am not an expert, far from it, but, I do love the stuff...... here is his latest contribution, and let us all give him proper thanks so he gives us A LOT more, this stuff is awesome and this guy knows what he is talking about, I respect his tastes and if you are even moderately interested in reggae, PLEASE check Cliff's submissions, I have a feeling that this could become a FANTASTIC semi-regular feature, ala the "Greek Punk" posts or any of the other fantastic guest posts that are always welcome here!



  1. Thanks cliff .thanks for all this great reggae.e

  2. Great choices! Glad to get the Wailing Souls album. Thanks!
