Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Uplift Spice

Well a buddy of mine who wishes to remain anon sent me these today, just as I was thinking, "Gosh, it's certainly been a bit of a while since I've posted any Japanese-language, alternative grunge from the mid-2000's with song titles in Japanese fonts that I have no way to even copy, much less translate "......and lo and behold, Uplift Spice, 5 albums yet...... he told me to listen to em, I listened to enough to get the idea..... .it's decent hard rock, you can hear a little Asian twinge in there. The vocals are decidedly Japanese, not psuedo-English like a lot of bands (the Mops, or Loudness at times) have tried.... a little research determines the lineup to be guitarist Yookey, vocalist Chiori, drummer Tovita, and bassist Kenji.

OK, when I have posted Greek punk stuff before, by man Apantabapanta has translated and researched the material, I have no Japanese "go-to-guy", so, here's the skinny......if I'm able to copy/paste the Japanese characters, I will, and if I can find some sort of translation in standard alphabet, I'll put them, even if (when, really)I have no idea what they mean....if in my course of researching these I can find any title or lyric or anything else translations to English, I will drop them on ya also.

Please take a chance on these. It's only rock n roll, and as you know I personally go out of my way to find stuff like this, and it gives me great joy to be able to share them with you.....if you by nay chance read Japanese, feel free to jump in and assist, and, these guys have a few more albums not included here, so if ya happen to have em, well, what are you waiting for?

Not for everyone, to be certain, but will you ever accuse me of lacking in variety? You might, but I do try, and I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of these, even if they only sample a bit...that's the wonderful thing about this internet information age, we actually CAN hear stuff like this, unknown gems from other lands, and without it costing us an arm and a leg (I remember paying well over 20 bucks for a vinyl copy of a Sadistic Mika band album back in thet 1970's some time, a small fortune relative to the time......still have it and am thrilled that i DID buy it, it was thrilling to stumble on stuff back then, and it's thrilling today.....only today, we have the ability to share, and isn't that the way you were brought up, that sharing was the RIGHT way?

SYATEKI-01 射的 (Shateki)/02 雨ざらし (Amkazarashi)/03 M31/04 絵の具 (Enogu)/05 青空が滲んだ日 (Aozora ga nijin da hi) (this is an EP with a release date of 2006 I THINK the album title translates to "Target Practice", but don't hold me to it) (Late edit: found English translations of the titles-01 Target Practice/02 Weather Beaten/03 M31/04 Paint/05 Blue Sky Is Blurred Day)

HANABI NO IRO-01 Hanabi No Iro/02 Kikyyu i Natta Fuuse/03 Shiroi Hato/04 Niji No Fumoto/05 Mahou No Komoriuta.....

(also a mini-LP this one released in 2007, cannot find the Japanese lettering for these ones on a source I can copy from. Album title translates to "Fireworks of Color", song titles-01 Fireworks of Color/02 Balloon Became Balloon/03 White Dove/04 At the Foot of the Rainbow/05 Magic of Lullaby

RASEN-01 Nijuusan Ya/02 Syndrome/03 Amanogawa/04 Raiu/05 Komaku/06 Skate Board (Yet another EP from 2007, this one's title translates to "Helix", song titles:01 Two Waxing Crecent/02 Syndrome/03 Milky Way/04 Thunderstorm/05 Eardrum/06 Skate Board

UPLIFT SPICE-01 Oni/02 Kanojo/03 Hallelujah/04 =/05 NGc224/06 Pandora No Hako/07 Muguet/08
Mikansei/09 Matenrou/10 Hana to Chou/11 Bodyguard/12 Katachi (This is firsts full length, self titled CD from 2008, again, cannot locate a form of the Japanese lettering that I can copy, I only try to coz I think its kinda cool.. Song title translations: 01 Demon/02 Girlfriend/03 Hallelujha/04 =/05 NGC224/06 Pandora's Box/07 Myuge/08 Unfinished/09 Skyscraper/10 Hana and Butterflies/11 Bodyguard/12 Shape

OMEGA RYTHYM-01 Omega Rythm/02 Nanatsu No Umi/03 Amidakuji/04 Klein No Shinzou/05 Gingasekidou/06 Peace/07 Dot Sight/08 Boku Wa Dummy/09 Present/10 Diorama.....Song Title translations: 01 Omega Rythm/02 Seven Seas/03 Ghost Leg/04 Klein of Heart/05 Galactic Equator/06 Peace/07 Dot Sight/08 I Dummy/09 Gift/10 Diorama

I have spot-listened to all of these, and I must say, I think they are quite good, what I've heard at least, unique to say the very least........I'd like you to try these out, maybe not all of em, but give one or two of them a spin for a possible pleasant surprise. As I said before, they have some albums of more recent vintage, and I would really enjoy hearing them if anyone can help out with that!



  2. Good on ya Big Scott. I'm a huge Japrock fan. I really got into it after reading Julian Cope's Japrock Sampler which I may have on PDF if you don't already have it. I have Krautrock Sampler and the Krautrock Compendium too if you've an interest in one or all. Great post. Love your work and enjoy hanging out..........thanks

    1. Yeah, would like to post any of those PDFs that you might have, that would be great......as to your other inquiry, BBF has been long gone for many years.....they had a "satellite" in front of their stores, and advertised heavily on the kids tv show (let's see if THIS sparks a memory) "Lucy's toy shop"....ever go to the zoo when u were a kid in Columbus? Other than San Diego, by far the best zoo I have ever visited......what years were you here, the BBF reference makes me guess mid 60s or so?

    2. i'll shoot you the pdfs asap.........i'm in the middle of a move so it will take a couple days......Lucy's Toy Shop....ho ho. i remember that. i moved to columbus in 1969. i was 13. i got hooked up with this band "Strange Brew", everyone else was over 21 so i had to have one of them be my guardian. we opened for the Gentrys at Vets Memorial, played Goose Lake, the 21 club circuit and all that. what a hell of a town for making music. i loved the columbus zoo. i used to hang at a place called Frank N Steins on North High Street. Went to Central High there. I left in 72....just in time to catch the stones 72 tour in Mobile, Al. our band played the ohio state fair opening up for the fifth dimension and johnny cash. we were on a flat bed truck with the set of a children's show behind us. my drums were in front of a talking tree. would that be Lucy's Toy Shop? we had a blind keyboard player, named roscoe, and you had to hold his hand getting out of the van and walking into bbf...........once we got in he knew his way around. i loved the way he always wound up sticking the straw up his nose accidentally. people that thought hippies were "fags" surely believed it after they saw us walking up holding roscoe's hand. oh well, no bbf........i'll have to go to Lums for a beer steamed pup...........there used to be lots of Krystal burger joints i remember as well.

    3. Talking tree=lucys toy shop for sure,they always broadcast live from the state fair every year

    4. I think crystals is a thing of the past too, fazed out by white castle. The great used record stores on high street supplied a large percent of the vinyl I have.


  4. OMEGA


  6. RASEN
