Friday, June 17, 2016

And why not another Viet Cong submission?

I really do like the Viet Cong stuff, Jon S generously sends me a live boot of their stuff, thanks a million, please do not deprive yourself of this, I really do like this stuff!

Just to chip in a little extra, here is a Viet Cong set from last year recorded by the great site

Union Pool, Brooklyn 1/28/15

01 Silhouettes/02 Bunker Buster/03 March of Progress/04 Oxygen Feed/05 Unconscious Melody/06 Pointless Experience/07 Continental Shelf/08 Death 

1 comment:

  1. i'm enjoying the previous post of Cassette and Album (how vey P.I.L.) and thanks for him sharing to allow you to share with us who would never otherwise know this
