Friday, July 22, 2016

Well, let us vote on a (to me) minor topic.....

Having been induced to nausea by the portion of the Republican Convention that I forced myself to watch, I do come up with an idea......being as the blog has been through a few changes during my absence, ONE has been commented on the most......the header/picture. Jonder was playing around with it and accidentally removed the one that had been there forever, the "hot bitchy looking woman" (one of my favorite things, of course), and replaced it with the multiple Iggy pictures you see now. I've had comments both ways, so I will leave itup to you folks, we'll vote on this like good little you prefer:

1) The "classic" hot bitchy chick

2) The current Iggy look, OR

3) Something else, which YOU must contribute yourself (anything at all will be considered)

To me it makes no difference, but I think it might be slightly interesting......take the time to vote in the comments section, and we'll tally the results in a week or so......plese remember if you vote "3", you need to contribute the image, for everyone to see and consider.

Got a day off, least part of one, so let us fucking blog like crazy here for a bit.......Madame Angela will be introduced over the weekend, remember she is the love of my life, so please be here to meet her and check out her on music/love/sex/life/religion and lots more, she'll be a WONDERFUL addition. I know I keep saying so, but give me a fucking break I'm a fucking teenager in love.


  1. I like Iggy, esp. since sometimes I come to your blog during work!

  2. Hot & bitchy; Iggy is trite and could be on any of a zillion blogs

  3. love Iggy, really love Iggy, but hate the Iggy header, kinda like the rnc, gotta look but don't want to continue seeing it

  4. Hot & bitchy! I want your trademark back

  5. I think it's good to change it up now and again.

  6. No more iggy anymore!

  7. Fuck,I think it's a tie by my count after a week.... (I will recount).....but I will extend the vote until sunday, please vote and hopefully settle this earth shaking issue

  8. Not into the Igster, at least not as a header! Much prefer a lovely lady, but it would be cool if your audience made up there own header for your blog. I'd give it a try if I knew the dimensions to work within. I'd give it a try anyway. - greg
