Thursday, August 4, 2016

Emerald Rose

Madame Angela submits this, a favorite of hers, and I find it pretty good as well. The band is Emerald Rose, from Georgia (which seems kind of strange when one hears the variety of music they perform), and consist of Brian Sullivan (Logan), Larry Morris, Arthur Hinds and Clyde Gilbert. They play a mix of Pagan, folk, and Celtic tunes.

This "Bending Tradtion" is the second of their several albums....the sound here is basically heavied-up folk, maybe something along the lines of Skyclad (a good thing!), and they blend the "heavy-folk" with traditional jigs and the like. Might be worth your time to check this out.

1. Penny In The Well - original, pop with Celtic undertones
2. Fire In The Head - fast-paced "mouth music" piece with Celtic shamanism theme
3. Lucky Man - the old Emerson, Lake, and Palmer number, as it should have been
4. Green Hills of Garland/Gallagher Lass/Ferret's Nose - original jigs from Larry
5. Red Haired Mary - a trad ballad transformed to modern pop
6. Pagan Girl - pure pagan pop!
7. Come By The Hills - a beautiful traditional Irish ballad
8. Johnny Cope - a rousing Scottish fightin' song
9. Merry Mayfolk - an upbeat May song with a universal message
10. Castle of Arianrhod - mysterious delving into Welsh myth and legend
11. Freya, Shakti - praise for the Goddess in her many forms
12. Unfinished Business - jazz jam with bozouki and whistle
13. Hills of America - an anthem of the Celtic diaspora



  2. Love me some old british traditional music, and if someone's willing to experiment with the form, we'll listen to that too!

  3. Love me some old british traditional music, and if someone's willing to experiment with the form, we'll listen to that too!
