Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Suburban Lawns

Here's a gem, also sent to me by the link-master John N, Suburban Lawns a fab second-line punk outfit
from back when music was fucking music.......first up he provides us with their best known single "Gidget Goes to Hell"), great enough, but also their pretty much complete works on a single disc.....this is really kewl, I haven't even though about Suburban Lawns in a while, and THIS is why I love guys like John N and the rest of ya, ya send me stuff I long ago forgot about, even though it was kick-ass, ala The Suburban Lawns.....a long forgotten new-wave/punk great, in particular because of the "Gidget" single, but this was a pretty good "period piece" kind of GOTTA love this kinda shit......if not, what is WRONG with ya?

GIDGET GOES TO HELL (SINGLE)-01 Gidget Goes To Hell/02 My Boyfriend

THE COMPLETE SUBURBAN LAWNS-01 Flying Saucer Safari/02 Pioneers/03 Not Allowed/04 Gossip/05 Intellectual Rock/06 Protection/07 Anything/08 Janitor/09 Computer Date/10 Mom And Dad and God/11 Unable/12 When In the World/13 Green Eyes/14 Jam the Controls/15 Flavor Crystals/16 Enjoy/17 Hug You/18 Baby/19 Cowboy

You hosers that grew up in the 70's/early 80's like can you be without this one? I had forgotten about it, but it still kicks ABSOLUTE ASS.......thanks again to John N for THIS fab submission from my high school days!


  1. album


  2. I've been on a rant for awhile to anyone who will listen that this is one of the oft overlooked great post-punk from L.A./O.C. I am in love with the singer she is such a mock dork, pretentiously shy. It's crazy she just seems to have disappeared after this. I read she is a lawyer now supposedly but that could be horseshit. I know she was in the movie biz for a short stint in the 90's. Regardless. Love it. Good shit all around. Have it all on vinyl but selling them. Need room and less tangibles. Money sucks but this makes it better. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Fuck yeah bro if t makes yr life better than I HAPPY

  3. thanks for the link!!!!!

  4. Very underrated band, great post-punk sound, kinda reminds me of Gang of Four. Thanks
