Saturday, December 17, 2016

Oh my, we have yet ANOTHER BIG TIME band!

Seems to go in and then, we get a message from a band that is SO incredibly "Big Time" that they insist that for them, FEWER listeners to thier work is better than MORE.......some (most) artists understand the difference between 2016 and 1996, but it is all up to the individual........while a lot of bands contact me and thank me for spreading their music, now and again, we have a band that is just TOO "big time" for this case, we have Eton Crop. Never heard of em until the post was sent to me, I've heard it and yes, it's pretty good.....however, and this is important, DO NOT LISTEN TO IT. If you downloaded it and haven't yet heard it PLEASE delete it.......if you HAVE heard it, try to "erase it from your memory", really the best advice I can offer.......these BIG TIME bands know their stuff, trust me, and if they say they don't want you, or anyone else, listening to their stuff, DON'T be listening to it........they want FEWER listeners, NOT more, and they are as clear as can be about that. I thought it was a pretty good share, but it will be gone in seconds........hey you never know. It's my pleasure to take em ALL, those that want MORE listeners and thank me, AND those who wish fewer, and their music will never appear here again. It's a promise. You don't want be carried on this blog, it's fine, as YOU need this blog FAR FAR FAR much more than this blog needs you. Hope your album garners even FEWER listeners than you are hoping for!


  1. you're a petty little man, aren't you.

    1. Ouch! Boy, you told ME, huh? I feel 8 inches tall! You really put me in MY place, thanks for educating me

    2. Fuck off Dan, Big Scott ain't petty but he's speaking truth to power. I would have never heard of the band Eton Crop unless for this blog. I was going to listen. If I like I look for other stuff later to buy. I commit to buying at least one album of an artist i've downloaded plus if they are in my neck of the woods with a gig, I'll go coz live music is great but gues what loser Dan & loser Eton Crop you don't get my listen and none of my money. Petty?m Pot calls kettle black. Bands/Record Companies that don't want exposure are the definition of petty-mindedness. Musicians should be in it for the art and if their art is good then the money should follow. If they're all about the money and are stingy like this then may they choke.

    3. Hey Big Scott, to paraphrase a certain failure's campaign "I'm With You" Lol, but you are infinitely more righteous than old fleabag.

  2. I dig these albums we can't hear! Thanks for not putting these tunes up! LOL!

    1. Can you hear the sound of a band dead on the inside?

  3. oh danny boy.....the pipes the pipes are must be in the band, eh? i saw you talentless fucks once. it was pathetic.

    1. No. but you're kind of petty yourself

    2. Ruben, a bit harsh man. I would like to think that there is some kind of quality-control for what gets put up by the magnificent Big Scott so the music must have some redeeming quality or else why even post it here in the first place. But sometimes good in the studio don't equal good on stage & vice versa.

    3. Ruben's mean maybe, but petty? Nah..Not so much.

    4. Quality control? littlescott didnt discover the band, John N sent him the link. littlescott didn't even know enough about them to use the right cover for the music he posted.

      They're working probably broke band that gives away all of their music (except for ONE release), so all of your crap about artists and money and art was proved wrong by the band before you even wrote it. follow the link and see for yourself.

      littlescott insults them now because his little feelings were hurt and he's lashing out like the little man he is. like he's done to other bands he "supports." you're guilty of the same thing. lashing out before even knowing the first thing about the band. Still hate them now that you know they agree with your views about sharing free music? bet you do, because littlescott says so.

      instead of relying on littlescott for your thoughts, why don't you just go to bandcamp and listen for yourself - you would have heard of this band and a thousand others - instead of now hating a band that gives away their music just because littlescott now hates them. think for yourself kev.

  4. Gosh Dan looks like your complaining has really hurt MY cause huh? Hey Ruben, "talentless fucks" LOL

    1. no, my complaining doesn't hurt your cause. but insulting bands that don't want their music given away, and calling them "talentless fucks" after you first praised them certainly does. It proves your comments about supporting bands is bullshit. instead of respecting them, you just want to make fun of them for your own amusement "LOL". each comment you make proves your just a petty hypocrite - and your next one probably will too. that's not what a real supporter of music and musicians does. you've make your "cause" clear for all to see little man.

    2. Gee Dan, poor little boy got his knickers in a twist? lol Big scott didn't insult the band. He laughed at the response of one supporter of the site and I did too even though I thought that was a bit mean, but people here ARE passionate about music so you can fuck right off if you think we don't support bands/artists that we like. Look man, if you're not into this scene, then WTF are you doin' here? You're not acting like a member of this community. Just a little troll-Weasel. If you don't like what's cookin' in this kitchen get the fuck out!

  5. I never said they were talentless fucks that was someone else. Tell me, was "petty" on your "word a day" calander?

  6. Hi,
    only to say that the "Growing Bored for a living" blog is a great music web site and Thanks for all information you are providing. I visit it on a daily basis since a long time. Thank You

  7. Weird thing is, the band has this available for free on their Bandcamp page. Not exactly sure what their issue is...

    1. I guess they want control and hope to use the free there as a kind of 'loss-leader' wher visitors will buy other stuff at the site. Funny thing is, I would've checked to see if they had a bandcamp and other stuff if I liked what I heard from the download here.

  8. Dan please don't go anywhere! People are laughing their asses off at you, and you don't even know it. If you could read you'd see I liked and praised the album. And guess what fuckhead I will have my copy regardless, unless you are going to come through my computer and beat me up. What a fucking tool, "littlescott"? Honestly, THAT is the BEST you have? Please stick around you have provided laughs for many today. Please please post and comment OFTEN!

  9. really don't like 'eatin crap' anyway
