Saturday, January 28, 2017

A Fahrenheit 451 follow up

OK, this was sent by long-time blogging cohort PettyVendetta......honestly, I'm not sure what this is, its a track entitled "Fire Is bright" which liberally quotes the novel, and features some trippy noises, music, sound effects.....In Flames is mentioned, I know them as a progressive metal band, however, this REALLY doesn't sound like them, so I am why post it, scott? Because it's fucking cool, has relevance, is unique, and all that......I wonder if PettyVendetta might provide a bait more information, such as what context this was issued? Because I'd like to hear the whole thing, be it an In Flames effort (I like In Flames), or is it an effort that has something to do with Fahrenheit 451, as it is a favorite book of mine.......gotta give credit to PettyVendetta here, he has aroused my curiosity big time!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature Scott. It's a remix we did of a couple lines from the audiobook read by the author. "In Flames" is the album title. Haven't listened to the rip you posted- is it the Bradbury reading?

  2. OK I get ya......mine is simply a printed version!

  3. Oh man- lemme get you the Bradbury audiobook

  4. Sorry dude- my copy's missing some parts. I used an automated tool to remove dupes recently and I must've deleted them. Anyhow found this post that should satisfy your curiosity for now.


    -Guy Montag
