Thursday, January 26, 2017

Can redux

(scott)-Zigzagwanderer is putting together some more stuff from Krautrock greats Can, but, in the meantime,
a new contributor, Fabio Danieli, sends us "Delay", a 1968 compilation of some early outtakes......always fun to throw some of my very limited Krautrock stuff out there, I always get an avalanche of redux stuff......I'll do some more early 70's krautrock stuff soon!

DELAY-01 Butterfly/02 Pnoom/03 Nineteen Century Man/04 Thief/05 Man Named Joe/06 Uphill/07 Little Star of Bethlehem

 CAN - Delay.rar

Also, here are some writings by Ruben Chandler on the subject of Can: 

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