Monday, January 2, 2017


Here's some late 60's hard-blues/semi-psych from Steamhammer, 
imo a somewhat underappreciated
band.....from Worithing England, basically the domain of guitarist Martin Pugh......this is pretty damn good, bluesy and somewhat hard rocking......I love it and never understood why they are not held in higher esteem.....wonderful stuff......I think I have 3 of their four albums here, no certain, but I think that is the case....the debut, 1969's "Reflection" features the single "Junior's Wailing", and a metric ton of wailing blues guitar all over the place......really, you will love this one. They followed up with MK II, a bit more "sophisticated" with a more mature sound.....still a pretty good record, the epic "Another Travelling Tune" is a standout (16+ minutes)
Also in this stack is "Mountains" from 1970, another good enough effort, solid blues rock cuts abound.......
Always liked these albums, and wondered why they were never a bit more popular......well, never mind, here they are, I enjoy them, likely you will as well.........keep rocking, I intend to.

REFLECTION-01 Water (Part 1)/02 Junior's Wailing/03 Lost You Too/04 She Is the Fire/05 You'll Never Know/06 Even the Chick/07 Down the Highway/08 On Your Road/09 Twenty Four Hours/10 When All Your Friends are Gone/19 Water (Part 2)

MK II-01 Supposed to Be Free/02 Johnny Carl Morton/03 Sunset Chase/04 contemporary Check Con Song/05 Turn Around/06 6-8 For Amiran/07 Passing Through/08 Down Along the Grove/09 Another Travelling Tune/10 Fran and Dee Take a Ride/11 Junior's Wailing/12 Wind Mill/13 Autumn Song/14 Blues For Passing People (note: Track 14 is a bad file......ANYONE have a replacement? Love ya!)

MOUNTAINS-01 I Wouldn't Have Thought/02 Riding on the L&N/03 Hold That Train/04 Leviana/05 Henry Lane/06 Leader of the Ring/07 Walking Down the Road/08 Mountians


  1. mountains


    MK II

  2. So good to see these wonderful albums getting exposure...Mkll i picked up in '71 on the offchance...never been parted from it..that and Mountains...they deserved better
    apologies for rambling...keep up the fine work people
    all the best

  3. Of note: "Reflections" is not the name of the album. "Reflections" was sublabel of CBS that printed their logo on the cover of the initial release. When the Dutch and German albums were released, the typesetter picked up the "Reflections" logo and assumed it was the album title and ..... 45 years of confusion has followed. The source on this is Discogs, which you can easily verify.

    Thanks for the tunes, have a fun 2017.

    1. Yes, in general I have seen it listed as "steamroller", aka "reflections", I guess it's become an unofficial title

  4. Definitely absurdly underrated. They not only were accomplished musicians but they also wrote really good songs. Yet another band who had the talent to become a major act but not the luck/karma.

  5. Definitely absurdly underrated. They not only were accomplished musicians but they also wrote really good songs. Yet another band who had the talent to become a major act but not the luck/karma.
