Monday, March 27, 2017


Fabio shares this cheer-ily named outfits 1989 album " Black Mass"......I love Fabio's one line e mail so much it needs reproduced as a whole:

When I Was a kid in the early '90 they were a TRUE LEGEND in Italy, we trade their tapes in the shadow without mommy knows.. oh so sweet make service at clergyboy sunday  mornin and 2 hours later skate, cigarettes and cheap Satan worship... Ladyes & Gentlemen DEATH SS!!PZJxhYYJ!oAz0WHby3fsv8pBIUuCzNQ

1.Kings of Evil04:07  Show lyrics
2.Horrible Eyes05:23  Show lyrics
3.Cursed Mama05:09  Show lyrics
4.Buried Alive04:08  Show lyrics
5.Welcome to My Hell06:12  Show lyrics
6.Devil's Rage04:03  Show lyrics
7.In the Darkness05:06  Show lyrics
8.Black Mass08:22  Show lyrics

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