At least it is now 2013 in Ohio, USA......I haven't forgotten all you wonderful people....I got a little burned out posting that whole "USA Garage Greats 1965-67" series, (oh my God I never DREAMED......)....I am going, I swear, sometime this week to start uploading the early volumes that some of you guys haven't gotten....i swear I want EVERYONE that has been enjoying this great series to have ALL of it if they desire.....thanks to all you guys, YOU really put my blog "on the map" with your overwhelming response to this series, and it SHOULD be overwhelming, because the series is so great....the thanks for that go to, as I have said so many times, to Ryp and Gyro at Twilight Zone, who created this, I just hoped to revive interest in it 5 years after the fact and LORD did I ever.....I have everyone's lists of the "missing" discs, look for them later this week. If, after that, you are STILL missing something, contact me ( and we will get you hooked up...this is THE most badass series EVER and I WANT everyone who wants it to have ALL of it, really, that is damned important to me....just taking a minute to breathe over the holidays, after getting the whole thing up in a month or so. After that I will resume posting some of the more esoteric stuff in my collection, and maybe some of you will stick around, maybe some will leave, and that is fine too.....1960's garage rock is FAR from my only love, I am a huge fan, also, of 1960's psych, 1970's punk, 1990's grunge, most all metal, new wave, power pop.....just ROCK N ROLL in general. If you like some of the same stuff as I do, I hope you stick around and maybe find something new or something you like. If you are ONLY here as a fan of the "Garage Greats" series, that is cool ,too, glad I could be of help.
Hope 2013 treats all of you well. Hell, I hope it treats ME and MINE well, too.
Rock N Roll!
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
A quick one for this morning....Snap-Her

QUEEN BITCH OF ROCK N ROLL-01 Suburban Brats/02 Nice Girls (Don't Play Rock N Roll)/03 I Wanna Beavis You/04 Babys Got a Gun/05 Halts Maul Du Fotze/06 Sex Change/07 Gato Feo/08 She's a Motorhead/09 Alien Bitch From Outer Space/10 Golden Cocktail/11 Hogs of the Raod/12 Criminal Mind/13 Conformist Cunt/14 Drama Queen/15 Feed Me/16 Monkey See Monkey Do/17 La Cucharacha
Link in a few minutes
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Who the hell complained about THIS?

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Stoner Rock 'Round the Globe (Part1, maybe?)

First stop Italy "Heavy Psych Italian Sounds"..... couple names with which you may be familiar: The Forty Moustachy, Gonzales, Alix, and of course Veracrash, and TONS more that at least I am unfamiliar with (other than this comp).....Underdogs weigh in witht he wonderfully titled "Fuck Cover Bands". This is a good set, the Italian stoner scene of course is not as well admired as say, the ones from Norway or Argentina or a few more, this is a recommended set.
Next up we have "Dutch Courage-The Dutch Soner Collection", a few GREATS of the genre appear here......the fantastic 7Zuma7, Gomer Pyle, Toner Low, the magnificent Abe Diddy and the not delay, this is one of the finer international stoner comps out there.
"Stoner Rock From Mexico" features only two names other wise familiar to me, El Diablo and Malingo, but don't despair, the Mexican stoner scene, heavily influenced by Argentinian greats Buffalo and Los Natas, is very, very good, and this is a fine album to listen to all the way through. Don't miss this one either.

Please comment on these if you check them out.....I have comps from almost every country in the world, and most of them are at the very least enjoyable nonsense......personally I'd love to do a few more chapters of this, but don't wnat to if it isn't the kind of thing you guys want. Please let me know, because when I say I have a LOT of this stuff, I am not joking around.

HEAVY PSYCH ITALIAN SOUNDS-01 VERACRASH-Beyond the Grave/02 BLACK RAINBOWS-Shaman Vision/03 IL TORQUEMADA-Infernalcoholic Man/04 OJM-Stoned Love/05 ALIX-I'll be Gone/06 MISS FRAULEIN-Gustavo/07 DOOMRAISER-Rotten River/08 MAYA MOUNTAINS-The Mudtrain/09 EL-THULE-Black Mamba/10 RE DINAMITE-Loves of Bacco/11 SMALL JACKETS-Leave Me Alone/12 LOSFUOCOS-Over the Top/13 GONZALES-Check Mate/14 UNDERDOGS-Fuck Cover Bands/15 THE FORTY MOUSTACHY-Dead Man in the Bathroom/16 ZIPPO-Kid In the Desesrt/17 MIDRYASI-Hissbilum/18 VORTICE CREMISI-Mother Nature/19 TSUNAMI-Cedo/20 FUCKVEGAS-Panario
STONER ROCK FROM MEXICO-01 STELLAR HIGH-Summer Rain/02 LE ORQUESTA DE ANIMALES-Back Seat Love/03 MALINGO-The Red Witch/04 THE SWEET LEAF-Rotten/05 EL DIABLO-Voodoo Child/Electric Sex Messiah/06 DRUGSTER MONSTER-Crystal Stories/07 OCCULTA-No Eres Mi Idolo/08 34-D-Nomas Pregunto/09 LOS FERNANDUCCIS-Take ME To Your Leader/10 STONEFRONT-Fastest Ride To Death/11 DESERT STONE-Marital Arts

DUTCH COURAGE-THE DUTCH STONER COLLECTION-01 ASTROSONIQ-Godly Pace/02 7ZUMA7-Blue TS/03 STONE OAK COSMONAUT-Reborn Again/04 GOMER PYLE-Bring on the Diesel/05 HOOGHWATER-Hard Rain Fell/06 TONER LOW-Devilbolts Designed To Assimilate/07 57 CHEVY-Sun Behind the Sun/08 COSMIC ANDROID-Valvestream/09 ABE DIDDY & THE KRAUTBOYS-Concrete Hell/10 STONERFRON NIJMEGEN-World Of Geeks/11 MONSTERSTONE-When Hell Freezes Over/12 3 SPEED AUTOMATIC-Walk on the Sun
NEW ZEALAND STONERFEST 2009-01 SECOND GEAR GRIND-Carpet of Smoke/02 LEFT OR RIGHT-Hitchy/03 THE HOUSE OF CAPRICORN-Awakening to Shining Light/04 SOULSELLER-ND/05 DYING OF THE LIGHT-Everyone You know Here is Dead/06 STONEHURST-Beating the Scale

Have a good Thursday evening, Browns vs Ravens, hmmmmmm, should be over like REALLY early, so maybe I'll pop something else up there tonight too. God bless and I love all who read and comment here. Really, thanks, I enjoy doing this and the comments and suggestions are wonderful. I never thought I'd do this for as long as I have, NEVER, but I really do enjoy it and I have so much more I want to share with you. Thanks for reading.
Monday, September 10, 2012
A Mind Expanding Journey Through Danish Rock

By the way the damn VIkings won, utilizing the idiotic new overtime rules. But a win is a win, and I don't expect more tan three more of them or so, so at least I can relish this one Oho State looked like shit, and the local high school team (my sons best bud/my sort-of adopted second son plays for them) were nipped 46-0 Friday, so that is kind of how the football season is shaping up.
Well, i DID find some cover art
DISC 1-01 SKOUSEN & INGENMANN-Herfra Hvor Vi Star/02 SAVAGE ROSE-A Girl i Knew/03 YOUNG FLOWERS-Oppe I Traeet/04 ACHE-Shadow of a Gypsy/05 MIDNIGHT SUN-King of the Sun/06 STIG MOLLER-To Sjalele Een Tanke/07 GNAGS-Kloden Rokker/08 CULPEPPERS ORCHARD-Mountain Music/09 POVL DISSING & BEEFEATERS-Lod Mig Blve Noget/10 BLUE SUN-Katerdralen/11 RUDE MOR-Lille Johnny's Mund/12 BURNIN RED IVANHOE-Ivanhoe I Brnadbyerne/13 GASOLIN-Laphophore Williamsii/14 NO NAME-Fodeland Song/15 ALRUN ROD-Dutaler Og Sir/16 BEEFEATERS-Night Flight
DISC 2-01 SEBASTIAN-Nar Lyset Bryder Frem/02 PAN-Lady of the Sand/03 STEPPULVENE-Lykkens Pamfil/04 SAVAGE ROSE-Dear Little Mother/05 BENNY HOLST-Sang On Mervaerdi/06 MOIRANA-So my Daddy Says/07 SPILL EMAENENE-Vi Skal Dasae/08 MUSIK PATRULIJEN EEC Blues/09 SECRET OYSTER-Dampekspression/10 OLD MAN & THE SEA-Princess/11 CV JORENSON-Louis Bond/12 DAY OF PHOENIX-Cellophane No. 1/13 RODE MOR-Grillboven/14 HAIR-Supermouth/15 SIGJNERKOMPAGNET-Kan Ikke Slaos Ihejel
DISC 3-BURNIN RED IVANHOE-Showintroduction/02 SYLVESTERS JUKE BOX-Guess It Because/03 YOUNG FLOWERS-Like Birds/04 STEPPULVENE-Du Skal Ud Hvor Du Ikke Kan Bunde/05 SAVAGE ROSE-Hey Joe/06 STOMPS-My Parents/08 ALRUNE ROD-Nor Himlen Er Bla/09 PAN-Right Across My Bed/11 TP SMOKE-Smoke/12 HASSE & THE REEFERS-Hashhuden Glammer/13 BEEFEATERS-Big City/14 FUJARA-Impo Jensen/15 FEO-Bed teamor/16 BURNIN RED IVANHOE-Johnin the Woods/17 DR DOPO JAM-Cowboysangen/18 YOUNG FLOWERS-City of Friends/9 ALBUEN-Ry Esgades Blegade Dronning/20 CURLED EDGES-Goods/21 MAXWELLS-What Did She Say/22 CROWD-Junk/23 BEEFEATERS-LSD/24 CHILD OF INSTITUTION-Gasolin
Links will be up in the morning I would guess.....please leave a comment, let me know if you lik this kind of thing, I have comps from every corner of the planet, if you like.....just let me know.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Ready for some Vikings football

Okay, so some tunes....."Viking" related, I am just so clever. Couple metal albums from a UK band called Viking Skull, I know they kicked around for most of the 2000's, these are a couple of their latter-day albums, "Gloom Doom Heartache and Whiskey" (I suspect you get the idea from the title, if not, song titles like "Start a War" and "In Hell" should create an accurate picture. The other album we have from them is called "Heavy Metal Thunder", and on we go with the lovely song titles: "Beers, Drugs, and Bitches"....."Born in Hell"....."Rape Pillage And Burn" on guys!
At bit more enjoyable is the first album from Viking Invasion, witht he imaginative title "Volume 1".....pretty damn good guitar/blues rock, from Germany. Seems fairly little-known to me, I enjoy this album quite a bit, some damn good solid guitar rock allthe way through. Of all the albums I'm offering upon this theme, this one is easilly the best (IMO)
Wrapping this thing up we have three albums from black-metal band Viking Crown, it's so-so stuff but the titles are nothing short of hilarious.....just a tiny sample: "Birth of the Devil Fetus"....."Raped by an Angel" ...."Innoncence From Hell"....they ahve a bunch of songs about Satan ruling the earth, but that stuff kind of creeps me out, so I'll rfrain from discussing it, just read the song titles below.....
Honestly, this is NOT great muic, any of it. Fans of black/dark/death metal may enjoy, I'm putting them up in honor of my favorite NFL team, the Vikings......I'll think of something else over the weekend, no idea what, but let's hope for a Vikings win over Jacksonville, which may be thier best shot at winning one all season.
Skol Vikings, lets win the game, Skol Vikings, honor your name.......
VIKING SKULL-GLOOM DOOM HEARTACHE AND WHISKEY-01 Start a War/02 Doom Gloom Heartache and Whiskey/03 In Hell/04 Hair Of the Dog/05 Shot Down/06 Double or Quits/07 In For the Kill/08 19 Swords/09 Drink
VIKING SKULL-HEAVY METAL THUNDER-01 Beers, Drugs, and Bitches/02 Wizard's Sleeve/03 Frostbite/04 Rape Pillage and Burn/05 Crazy Trucker/06 Skull Heaven/07 Born In Hell/08 Crank the Volume/09 Red Hot Woman/10 Seedealer/11 Heavy Metal Thunder/12 Saddle Up/13 Double or Quite (demo)/14 Rock and Roll SUicide/15 Conquer the World/16 Baby Let Me Know/17 Skulls and Whiskey/18 Dirty Dirty Hole/19 Inject My Woman (With Love)/20 You Cna't Kill Rock N Roll
VIKING INVASION VOLUME 1-01 The Mirror/02 THe Love Song of Jaifred Prufrock/03 Blues Special/04 Listen to the Four Guitars on Your Corner/05 Shadow Boogie/06 Rolling Tones/07 Dark Lane Child/08 Moon of ALabama/09 Rhapsody of a Windy Night/10 Answer For My Life/11 Across the Street
VIKING CROWN-INNOCENCE FROM HELL-01 (Intro) Sons of Sadus/02 Innocence From Hell/03 The Burning Embers of Mockery/04 Birth of the Devil Fetus/05 The Red Flames of Sin/06 Overlords of Infinite Depression/07 The Long and Mighty Reign of Satan/08 Raped By an ANgel/09 The Seventh Storm of the Blood Demon/10 The Gathering/11 (outro) the BLood of Sadus
VIKING CROWN-UNORTHODOX STEPS OF RITUAL-01 Intro/02 Asmodeus Rising/03 Satan Ruler of Earth/04 Lust And Destruction/05 The Judas Goat/06 Unorthodox Steps of Ritual/07 Blaspheme/08 Invocation Toward the Conjuration of Black Souls
VIKING CROWN-BANISHED RYTHMIC HATE-01 Chirstianity Has No Chance/02 Possesed (From Within)/03 Banished Rythmic hate/04 Contemplating the Pitch Black/05 View of the Desolate Wasteland/06 Swallowed By Black mass/07 Accepting the Rise of Satanism/08 Unspoken Vows of Midnight Offereing/09 Draped In Treachery/10 The Woods Own Countless Voices/11 Poisoned By the BLood of Christ
VIKING CROWN-SOUTHERN ISOLATION (EP)-01 Blue Bird make You Shine/02 Come back and Let Me In/03 I Got Lost In Myself Again/04 Southern Man I Am/05 The Wall of You
Links in a little while.....these are NOT great albums, surewould like to hear comments on them though. Who's YOUR NFL team? Are they going to suck this year too?
Monday, September 3, 2012
Alright, This Time Just the Girls

Volume 1 is 2 disc set.....stuff everyone knows like Hole ("Retard Girl" is a pre "Live Through THis Track"), Lunachicks, Holly Golightly, Detroit Cobras, and Red Aunts, as well as lesser knowns like the wonderfully named Banana Erectors, as well as Candypants, Supersnazz, Lo-Hi.....twenty four tracks in all, a fine piece of work.

Along came Volume 2, a single disc with 30 tracks AGAIN with incrdible variety....there are some repeat performers from volume 1, but how about Wanda Jackson?!....Tina & the Total Babes.....Real Minx......The Beards.....I could go on and on but see the track lists.
I love to hear chicks sing rock n roll. This is as good a compilation as I can find of the known and hte lesser known......Obviously I'm going to have to find some pictures of SOME of these ladies in order to fill up the blog page, I'm hoping the Banana Erectors don't disappoint!
Links up in a little while, as only three discs. Have a good remainder of your Labor Day weekend, I hope I have covered sufficiently versatile materal this weekend. If not, I'll be back maybe midweek with somethin else, see ya then and guys, treat those women in your life well.

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Surf's Up (OHIO!)

First of all, I have posted this disc before, what i consider the best instrumental surf compilation ever, Rhino's "History of Surf Instrumentals", which is just a fantastic album, perfect for days just like today.....contains all the essentials, Dick Dale, the Astronauts, Chantays, Surfaris......what are you waiting for? And, of course, being a lifelong Buckeye I have never been, nor will never be near, a surfboard.....just always loved those rocking reverb guitars and bouncy/jerky tempos.
Well, anyway...last year I posted this disc all by itself, I've come so far as a promising young blogger since (PLEASE do not take that sentence seriously), that I just have to add some about the amazing, 31 track "War of the Surf Guitars", MUCH more obscure than the Rhino set, but this is a goddamn treasure chest......Boss Martians....The Honkeys.....Ralph Rebel.....Coffin Diggers.....the names alone are plenty. Get this NOW and don't be left in squaresville!
In a more serious vein, why don't we include Dick Dale's "King of Surf Guitar" album....Dick Dale, I think, can legitimately claim title to the king of the genre, this guy could shred....all his finest, "Let's Go Trippin'", "Miserlou"......a classic as well.
Next up we have "Surfin'With the Astronauts"......I recall the first time I heard "Baja" as a young boy and was blown away, at that time I didn't realize it was "surf" music, it was just a sound I liked. So why not include a full album of their stuff here, there is some overlap, of course, their versions of "Pipeline" and "Misirlou" are similar knock-offs of the originals, but "Baja" still rules. Good album
Lastly, we have a strange story.....The Astronettes. Allegedly this is instrumental surf music (it IS that, and it is quite good), performed by naked chicks. Theories abound as to whether this is true or not, I say it is, BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE. Naked chicks, you see, are always welcome to try anything they wish, and get automatic points as opposed to, say, clothed chicks, or whatever. Some have said this is just an Astronauts bootleg, and I really, honestly, do not know, but I don't WANT it to be, I just keep picturing these naked babes performing and.....well, it just HAS to be true....doesn't it?
Links will be up by the break of serious stuff ala "Pussy Riot", just fun, fun,fun....I HATE summer, always have, but we are creeping up on my favorite time of year.....leaves turning, cool, crisp air, football......the world will be right soon enough, I hope this collection of surf music helps the time pass for anyone else who hates the heat and humidity of summer time.

DICK DALE-KING OF SURF GUITAR-01 - Let´s Go Trippin´/02 - Shake ´n Stomp/03 - Misirlou/ 04 - Mr Peppermint man/05 - Surf Beat/06 - Take It Off/07 - King of the Surf Guitar/08 - Hava Nagila/ 09 - Riders in the sky/10 - The Wedge/11 - Night ride/12 - Mr Eliminator/13 - The Viktor/14 - Taco Wagon/15 - Tidal Wave/16 - Banzai Washout/17 - One Double One Oh/18 - Pipeline
THE ASTRONAUTS-SURFIN WITH THE ASTRONAUTS-01 Baja/02 Surfin USA/03 Misirlou/04 Surfer's Stomp/05 Susie Q/06 Pipeline/07 Kuk/08 Banzai Pipeline/09 Movin'/10 Baby Let's Play House/11 Let's Go Trippin'
THE ASTRONETTES-01 Che! Che! Che!/02 Martian Pyramid Stomp/03 Movin'/04 Hot Dog Foot/05 Firewaters of Alpha Gabba/06 Space Party/07 Drinkin and Astronavigatin'/08 Surf Into Space/09 Gouch!/10 Quiet Planet/11 Space Silent/12 Space Dock/13 Quasimoto X9 .......PLEASE, God....let it be true!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Best Senser post, ever

Anyway, I consider "Stacked Up" to be something of a near-classsic.....the second album, "Asylum" treads a lot of the same turf but as so often happens, "It" was gone after one album. Also issued around the time was "Asylum De" or "Senser vs De Senser", kind of a complicated issue in which Haigh had left the band due to pregnancy and they trudged on as "De Senser", until her return......anyway, it's all worth a listen, though simply not of the quality of "Stacked Up".
"Parallel Charge" was issued in 2001, kind of an overly ambitious compilation for a band with 2.5 albums to it's credit.....anyway, for some reason I have it, so if you prefer this programming sequence, have at it. "Schematic" and "How to Do Battle" were the next two legitimate new releases, in 2004 and 2009, and all indications seem to be that they carry on even now. Nothing wrong with these albums, just not as good as "Stacked Up", and as we've seen with Gang of Four, RATM, TRB, Crass, and lots of other "angry" bands, once the anger dies down a bit so does the intensity of the music.
None the less, they gave us "Stacked Up", which, again, I think is a fine album that anyone should have and hear.....loaded with great stuff...."Age of Panic", "State of Mind", "Switch"......and if it tickles yer fancy, check out the rest of their works. None of it's "bad", really, like so many befoe them, they simply never achieved the level of their debut.
Now, I have a request....I once heard the song "Age of Panic" done in a fabulous version known as the "Git-O-Rama ReMix"......I cannot find that thing ANYWHERE. Does anyone out there in Senser-land happen to have a copy or a link I can use? It was by far what I thought the top version of "Age of Panic", but I simply can't find a copy of it, internet or elsewhere.....I think that it actually came on a "Huh?" Magazine compliation disc, which must have been misplaced/given away/stolen/something.....anyway I'd love to hear it again, and if you can help me out here I'd truly appreciate it!........I'm still uploading White Stripes links, so when I get done with them I'll get started on these......tonight, maybe tomorrow!

STACKED UP-01 States of Mind/02 The Key/03 Switch/04 Age of Panic/05 Peanut Head/06 One Touch One Bounce/07 Stubborn/08 What's Going On?/09 Peace/10 Eject/11 No Comply/12 Worth
ASYLUM-01 Book of Flies/02 Charming Demons/03 Adrenalin/04 Strange Asylum/05 Burn Out/06 Desensitized/07 Breed/08 Lizard/09 Oyster
ASYLUM DE-01 Charming Demons (DJ Awe Mix)/02 Eye Kalied/03 Tried and Untested/04 Om (Harry Hog Mix)/05 Rows of People/06 Gabba Man
PARALLEL CHARGE-01 Charming Demons/02 Strange Asylum/03 Breed/04 Adrenalin/05 Lizard/06 Book of Flies/07 Desensitized/08 Burn Out/09 Enemy Down/10 Weatherman/11 Door Game/12 Oyster/13 Switch (Depth Charge First Venom Mix)/14 Age of Panic
SCHEMATIC-01 Silent By/02 Infoburner/03 Bulletproof/04 Formula Milk/05 Crucible/06 Return To Zombie Island/07 An Astonishing Spectacle/08 Photographed Flies/09 Bomb Factories/10 A Conscious War/11 The Brunt
HOW TO DO BATTLE-01 Wake Up You're On Fire/02 Resistance Now/03 Brightest Rays/04 2 3 Clear/05 Dictator Bling/06 End of the World Show/07 Smoking Paranoia/08 Sandhurst in Zero G/09
So Refined/10 Hex/11 Fairy Tale/12 Lights Out/13 Arturo
Thursday, July 26, 2012
And Now For Something Completely Different

Group #1 is a bunch of flyers from various punk shows. The second bunch is a lot of "classic" rock, psychedelia, pretty mutch a catchall.....the posters for the psych bands of the 1960's were beautiful, in my opinion......and group #3, modern day stoner bands, tend to top even those old psych posters in colorful splendor......
Not a lot I have to say about this, I think it's some really cool stuff that I am happy to share. If it's not your thing, well, I'll be back soon with something else......for my money though, this is something that you REALLY don't see everyday, so enjoy them. There are samples from all three groups shown around the post, but there are litterally THOUSANDS of different bands represented. I hope your faves are here.....sorry if not
Links will be in the comments section as per ususal.....let me know what you think of these, I have a lot more of this kind of thing if there is any interest, Creem and Rolling Stone covers, many many concert photos, just tons of stuff......but I only want to put up the stuff you guys want/enjoy.

I'm excited about this post, I hope it gets big DL numbers.....It really IS worth it, just to keep on your computer and browse through and marvel at the beauty of some of this art.....lots of memories here. I really, really like the stuff in these files, and all I can say is I hope you do as well!
Remember, the first link is the "Punk" fliers.....2nd link is more of the catch-all, psychedelic and classic stuff.....and third is more modern day stoner stuff......I hope you like all three!
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