After a few days rest (from WHAT?) of allowing other people to supply the blog with material, (and
infinite thanks to Dave Sez, Apanta Bapanta, and Ruben Chandler) I resume today, with a damn good one no less.... the (I think) complete album works of fuzzed-out psychedelic garage rockers from Copenhagen Denmark,they have brilliantly blended 60's garage-fuzz with modern day, Datsuns' like fury. Great stuff abounds here, lets see what we have.
They released some domestic material, singles/EP's which I don't have and don't know if it is collected on some of the albums listed here, if there is a "rarities" set floating around, I don't know about it and would like to check it out.
So, Copenhagen, 2000, out comes a thrilling album by a band who had struck with a couple of singles-"Baby Woodrose Blows Your Mind" was one of the top releases of that year, no cover material, but you'd never guess it as the tunes sound like they were stripped off of some long-lost "Nuggets" disc......"Right to Get High", "Baby Blows Your Mind", "What a Burn!", "Spinning Wheels of Fire" meld the elements of 60's hard fuzz and 00's stoner rock to damn near perfection....the album was recorded entirely by Uffe Lorenzen, using the name Lorenzo Woodrose......after the album struck, he added on Fuzz Daddy as drummer and The Moody Guru as bassist......I don't make em up.....

"Money For Soul", then was released in 2003 and was quite well recieved, argueably thier best disc, more textured and creative than the debut....."Honeydripper", "Hippie Chick", "Pouring Water....a better disc than the debut thanks to the power-trio format, I think, it's a really good one, I think most fans of the type of hard rock I enjoy (ya should know by NOW) would like to hear.
To capitailze on their sudden success, they released "Live at Gutter Island", later the same year....it's a short set, less than 30 minutes, and recaps a good number of the tunes from "Money For Soul".....it's good, it would be better as a full-length in my opinion.
Their next release, "Dropout!", was a brilliant one, one similar to (don't laugh) Guns N Roses "The Spaghetti Incident?" (which WAS a great IDEA, just not a great album), in which the band tributes an album full of singles which influenced their sound....it's not OBVIOUS material in the least either.....there is an Elevators track, but not a real well known onw ("I Don't Ever Want to Come Down"), tracks from Love, Lollipop Shoppe, The Saints, The Stooges, and more, smartly avoiding obvious selections and going for tunes tshat could have been written to order.....a favorite of mine, The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band's "The Child of a Few Hours Is Burning to Death" gets an interesting treatment. Recommended.

They released another disc of originals, "Love Comes Down", in 2006, with a bit more of a modern, beefed up sound, I like it a great deal, actually, it was a limited release from what I can tell.... don't really know why, it smokes and reminds me a good bit of Monster Magnet..... that title track, "Christine", "Found My Way Out", and the psyched-out "Growing Younger" highlight this one, along with the fine cover depicting the ingestion of blotter acid!
Lorenzo Woodrose put the band on hiatus as he worked with his various side projects and with other bands, the next time he put together a unit using the "Baby Woodrose" monicker, Moody Guru and Fuzz Daddy were gone, and were replaces with drummer Hans Beck, bassist Kare Joenson, and second guitarist/vocalist Mads Saaby.....they released 2007's "Chasing Rainbows" with this lineup. While I prefer thet stuff done by the trio, the soundon this one veers toward the dark psychedelia whose influence had always shown through...., a logical progression, if you will, but you may want to think of this as a seperate band than, say, the one who released "Money For Soul" or whatever....."In Your Life" and "Dark Twin" stand out for me,the whole album DOES have a nice, creepy psychedelic vibe to it

For thier next release, the new unit popped out "baby Woodrose", 2009, a seeming return to the garage rock/fuzz stuff that had been thier earlier forte, say of "Money For Soul" or "Dropout!".....as I said earlier, I LOVED "money For Soul", this is not even half as good, but it does give a return to that garage sound, away from the druggy/psych stuff on "Chasing Rainbows"......however, it's NOT a "bad" album, in my book, as, actually, they haven't released a REAL clunker.
Because the final disc I have here is "Mindblowing Seeds and Disconnected Flowers", which is a fine set of the original 4 track demos that eventually would become "Baby Blows Your Mind".... interesting in its own way, music has come full circle, I guess, for Lorenzo Woodrose, a solo record, a trip format, and edging back towards solo-type work with band backup, this most recent release (that I know of) is an interesting take on the early days when it was just him.......
A good band, underappreciated......really have not made a bad one, they are all interesting, and all different, and you should not deprive yourself of any of these.....in my opinion only, one you are gonna love if you are unfamiliar!

BABY BLOWS YOUR MIND-01 No Way Out/02 Baby Blows Your Mind/03 What a Burn!/04 Caught in a Whirl/05 Pandora/06 Spinning Wheels of Fire/07 Living a Dream/08 Flaminica/09 Maya/10 D’ya Get What Ya Give?/11 Kara Lynn/12 Right to Get High/13 Mind and Soul/14 Nobody Spoil My Fun
MONEY FOR SOUL-01 Honeydripper/02 Disconnected/03 Pouring Water/04 Hippie Chick/05 Everything’s Gonna Be Alright/06 Carrie/07 Money For Soul/08 Never Coming Back/ 09 You Own It/10 You Better Run/11 Rollercoaster/12 Volcano
LIVE AT GUTTER ISLAND-01 My Baby Likes to Boogaloo/02 Living A Dream/03 Everything's Gonna Be Alright/04 Pandora/05 You Own It/06 Never Coming Back/07 Money For Soul/08 Rollercoaster

DROPOUT!-1.Can’t Explain (Love)/2.I Lost You in My Mind (The Painted Faces)/3.Who’s it Gonna Be (The Lollipop Shoppe)/4.I Don’t Ever Wanna Come Down (The 13th Floor Elevators)
/5.The World Ain’t Round, It’s Square (The Savages)/6.Dropout Boogie (Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band)/7.I’m Going Home (The Sonics)/8.This Perfect Day (The Saints)/9.Not Right (The Stooges)/10.A Child of a Few Hours (The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band)
LOVE COMES DOWN-01 What Ya Gonna Do?/02 Found My Way

Out/03 Kitty Galore/04 No Other Girl/05 Lights Are Changing/06 Growing Younger/07 All Over Now/08 Chemical Buzz/09 Christine/10 Do Right/11 Born to Lose/12 Roses/13 Nobody Knows/14 Love Comes Down
CHASING RAINBOWS-01 Someone To Love/02 I'm Gonna Make You Mine/03 Let Yourself Go/04 Twilight Princess/05 Lilith/06 In Your Life/07 Chasing Rainbows/08 No More Darkness/09 Dark Twin/10 Renegade Soul/11 Madness of Your Own Making
BABY WOODROSE-01 Fortune Teller/02 Take It/03 Open Up Your Heart/04 Emily/05 Laughing Stock/06 Countdown to Breakdown/07 Changes Everywhere/08 Hollow Grove/09 No Mas/10 Mikita/11 Scorpio/12 Secret of the Twisted Flower
MIND BLOWING SEEDS AND DISCONNECTED FLOWERS-01 Baby Blows/02 What A Burn/03 Caught In a Whirl/04 pandora/05 Spinning Wheels of Fire/06 Living a Dream/07 City of People/08 Gonna Get You Down/09 D'ya Get What You Give/10 Flaminica/11 Maya/12 Kara Lynn/13 Nobody Spoil My Fun/14 She's All Mine/15 Run Little Girl