The creepy vibe of "Death Walks Behind You" is carried on not with subsequent Atomic Rooster issues, but with the two pr
etty solid albums by Hard Stuff, formed by DuCann and Hammond

after they exited and added one and future Roxy Music bassist John Gustafason.....both albums
are worth hearing, and certainly better than anything Atomic Rooster would treat the world to....first album "Bullet Proof" while somewhat silly at times ("Jay Time", geez) contains the truly great "No Witch at All", a truly classic piece of mid-70's prog-metal.....if there's ever a call for a "Nuggets"-like release of such material, "No Witch at All" is first round draft pick material. The second album, "Bolex Dementia", is arguably even better, with more fine rocking tunes "Roll a Rocket", "Jumpin, Thumpin', Ain't that Somethin'", and the wonderful sort-of-instrumental title track which has to be heard to be believed and should have been the theme from some awful horror movie or at least the Munsters or something........I was just feeling these albums today, maybe you'll likeome pretty damn good period-
piece prog-metal from that greatest of decades, the 1970's.
Links in the Comments sections, please leave a comment if you are so inclined, or were a fan of these albums as I was.....those were good times and these albums provided at least a partial soundtrack to them!
DEATH WALKS BEHIND YOU-01 Death Walks Behind You/02 Vug/03 Tomorrow Night/04 Seven Streets/05 Sleeping For Years/06 Can't Take No More/07 Nobody Else/08 Gershatzer
LIVE AND RAW-01 Friday the 13th/02 Gershatzer/03 Winter/04 Shabaloo/05 Sleeping For Years/06 Vug/07 Tomorrow Night/08 Can't Take No More
RARITIES-01 Moonrise /02 Atomic Alert (USA Radio Ad)/03 Death Walks Behind You (live studio recording/04 Vug (Carl palmer demo)/05 Broken Window (unreleased B Side)/06 Alien Alert (USA Radio Ad)/07 Throw Your Life Away (Alternate Mix)/08 Devil's Alert (USA Radio Ad)/09 Devil's Answer (Carl palmer Demo)/10 Do You Know Who's Looking For You (demo)/11 Don't Lose Your Mind (demo)/12 He Did It Again (demo)/13 Backward/Forward Revealed/14 End of the Day (demo)/15 Lost in Space (demo)/16 Hold it Through the Night (unreleased)/17 No Change By Me (Unreleased Track)/18 Play It Again (demo)/19 Can't Take No More (Live recording)
BULLETPROOF-01 Jay Time/02 Sinister Minister/03 No Witch at All/04 Taken Alive/05 Time Gambler/06 Millionaire/07 Monster in Paradise/08 Hobo/09 Mr Longevity RIP/10 The Provider Part 1
BOLEX DEMENTIA-o1 Sick N Tired/02 Mermany/03 Jumpin' Thumpin' (Ain't That Somethin')/04 Dazzle Dizzy/05 Bolex Dementia/06 Roll A Rocket/07 Libel/08 Ragman/09 Spider's Web/10 Get Lost