"Chocoreve" (one of the Best EVER, Rest in Peace gerat blog!, I do think, however that the great ChrisGOesRock posted at least some, if not all of them on one of his legendary blogs as well, giving full credit where due). What we have here are 8 discs of radio promos, commercials, concert spots, and the like. Drop one of these discs in and listen to the Rolling Stones sing about Rice Crispies....The Blues magoos, The Litter, Cream for Falstaff Beer, Iron Butterfly for Ban Deodorant....and that is just a fraction of THE FIRST DISC.....all eight discs are uniformely great, if you were a small child in the 1960's, magically be transformed to the back seat of your parents car, an the memories will come flooding back.

As there are eight discs, each with 80 or 90 tracks on it, too much work to list them all.
Chocoreve was kind enough to list ALL the spots on all the Discs, I'm not going to but here is a link to get you started should you want to see them in writing and copy/past them or whatever.......
http://chocoreve.blogspot.com/2008/06/u-spaces-psychedelic-promos-radio-spots.html. That will get you to the track listing for VOlume 1, from there you can manuever your way around for the other 7 discs.
This stuff is fantastic, and so much fun I can hardly explain. There is nothing more to say, start downloading, thanks to U-Spaces for creating this set, thanks to the late, great Chocoreve blog for sharing them. I hope you guys, especially guys my age get some good laughs and some good nostalgic feelings out of these, I know I certainly do every time I slip one of these on.

Have some FUN on a Saturday!