First stop Italy "Heavy Psych Italian Sounds"..... couple names with which you may be familiar: The Forty Moustachy, Gonzales, Alix, and of course Veracrash, and TONS more that at least I am unfamiliar with (other than this comp).....Underdogs weigh in witht he wonderfully titled "Fuck Cover Bands". This is a good set, the Italian stoner scene of course is not as well admired as say, the ones from Norway or Argentina or a few more, this is a recommended set.
Next up we have "Dutch Courage-The Dutch Soner Collection", a few GREATS of the genre appear here......the fantastic 7Zuma7, Gomer Pyle, Toner Low, the magnificent Abe Diddy and the Krautboys......do not delay, this is one of the finer international stoner comps out there.
"Stoner Rock From Mexico" features only two names other wise familiar to me, El Diablo and Malingo, but don't despair, the Mexican stoner scene, heavily influenced by Argentinian greats Buffalo and Los Natas, is very, very good, and this is a fine album to listen to all the way through. Don't miss this one either.

Please comment on these if you check them out.....I have comps from almost every country in the world, and most of them are at the very least enjoyable nonsense......personally I'd love to do a few more chapters of this, but don't wnat to if it isn't the kind of thing you guys want. Please let me know, because when I say I have a LOT of this stuff, I am not joking around.

HEAVY PSYCH ITALIAN SOUNDS-01 VERACRASH-Beyond the Grave/02 BLACK RAINBOWS-Shaman Vision/03 IL TORQUEMADA-Infernalcoholic Man/04 OJM-Stoned Love/05 ALIX-I'll be Gone/06 MISS FRAULEIN-Gustavo/07 DOOMRAISER-Rotten River/08 MAYA MOUNTAINS-The Mudtrain/09 EL-THULE-Black Mamba/10 RE DINAMITE-Loves of Bacco/11 SMALL JACKETS-Leave Me Alone/12 LOSFUOCOS-Over the Top/13 GONZALES-Check Mate/14 UNDERDOGS-Fuck Cover Bands/15 THE FORTY MOUSTACHY-Dead Man in the Bathroom/16 ZIPPO-Kid In the Desesrt/17 MIDRYASI-Hissbilum/18 VORTICE CREMISI-Mother Nature/19 TSUNAMI-Cedo/20 FUCKVEGAS-Panario
STONER ROCK FROM MEXICO-01 STELLAR HIGH-Summer Rain/02 LE ORQUESTA DE ANIMALES-Back Seat Love/03 MALINGO-The Red Witch/04 THE SWEET LEAF-Rotten/05 EL DIABLO-Voodoo Child/Electric Sex Messiah/06 DRUGSTER MONSTER-Crystal Stories/07 OCCULTA-No Eres Mi Idolo/08 34-D-Nomas Pregunto/09 LOS FERNANDUCCIS-Take ME To Your Leader/10 STONEFRONT-Fastest Ride To Death/11 DESERT STONE-Marital Arts

DUTCH COURAGE-THE DUTCH STONER COLLECTION-01 ASTROSONIQ-Godly Pace/02 7ZUMA7-Blue TS/03 STONE OAK COSMONAUT-Reborn Again/04 GOMER PYLE-Bring on the Diesel/05 HOOGHWATER-Hard Rain Fell/06 TONER LOW-Devilbolts Designed To Assimilate/07 57 CHEVY-Sun Behind the Sun/08 COSMIC ANDROID-Valvestream/09 ABE DIDDY & THE KRAUTBOYS-Concrete Hell/10 STONERFRON NIJMEGEN-World Of Geeks/11 MONSTERSTONE-When Hell Freezes Over/12 3 SPEED AUTOMATIC-Walk on the Sun
NEW ZEALAND STONERFEST 2009-01 SECOND GEAR GRIND-Carpet of Smoke/02 LEFT OR RIGHT-Hitchy/03 THE HOUSE OF CAPRICORN-Awakening to Shining Light/04 SOULSELLER-ND/05 DYING OF THE LIGHT-Everyone You know Here is Dead/06 STONEHURST-Beating the Scale

Have a good Thursday evening, Browns vs Ravens, hmmmmmm, should be over like REALLY early, so maybe I'll pop something else up there tonight too. God bless and I love all who read and comment here. Really, thanks, I enjoy doing this and the comments and suggestions are wonderful. I never thought I'd do this for as long as I have, NEVER, but I really do enjoy it and I have so much more I want to share with you. Thanks for reading.