OK, so what is left? "All This and Puppets Stew" is another full-length, released in 2001, this was thier final full-length epic......OK, for me, it's not great, I'm trying to give you a FULL picture of these dudes, ANYONE who started out mid 1970's and was still at it in 2001, well, you give them credit, BUT how many ideas can they have left? Well, even though "Free Willy", "My Pop the Cop", "Whack the Dali Llama" and a few more are without a doubt amusing, to ME this ship had sailed, as it would with ANY band that had been at it this long........there's also (finally) a studio recording of "Nobody But Me".

Next up, we have an audio presentation of a live DVD, "Best of the Flipside Live", from a vintage 1985 performance.....I highly recommend this one, these guys had "it" live and this is a good representation of thier live shows. Most of thier best known shit is here, and especially take note of the frantic encore of "Paranoid" (I always LOVED thier version of that tune for some reason)....this is worthwhile and (I think) kind of hard to locate in non-DVD version.
OK, "The Punk Singles Collection".....as everything here has already been presented in the earlier parts of this post, I really shouldn't, BUT (1) The Dickies WERE a great singles band, and (2) everyone isn't as huge a fan as myself, thus justifying the need for such a collection, which is nearly flawless......I'd like to hope that MOST of you, if unfamiliar, explore some of the other angles, but if you are a dabbler, you GOTTA at least have THIS, right? It's ALL here, and is greatly programmed and works wonderfully as a unified effort.

"Live at the Masque" (Volume 3) is a find, part of a series of live stuff from the scene from that particular era........actually, the other bands featured here are more inteersting than the Dickies, to me, simply because they are less accessible.......tracks from Black Randy and the Metrosquad, The Eyes, and The Randoms are outstanding, not to sell our beloved Dickies short, but interesting/entertaining stuff.......anybody out there (calling Dave Sez or Andie James?) got the other two volums, I think they'd be a wonderful addition.
Oh, speaking of Andie James......he sends us (submitted in the comments a few days ago) 4 wonderful original singles with the original sleeve art, goddamn wonderful of him to contribute them to us to enjoy, you can graab them here http://www88.zippyshare.com/v/c71bIrxX/file.html, and PLEASE check out his new (great, of course) blog where he posts a lot of his fine collection HERE:
http://tfgc1.blogspot.co.uk/, Thanks Andie, you are the fucking shit (dunno about the UK, in the USA this is a huge compliment, I'd hate for you and I to have another language confusion issue, ya know, English/English!)
OK, that's gonna about do it for the Dickies..... download numbers pretty good, but commentary/remarks not all that great......come on you guys, believe me that bloggers like me and Andie and Brian and ChrisGoes and Silent Way and ALL the others do this shit for YOU, because we wish to spread and share the music that we love.......when all we ask in return is a "I love this, thanks", or, just as welcome, a "This fucking sucks, what the hell is wrong with you?" it really doesn't seem like that high a price to pay......trust me, we all invest a lot of our time in this, it really IS quite a bit of effort, and it REALLY DOES mean much to us when you SPEAK UP and comment on what we are trying to do for the rest of the world.......as I said yesterday, I'll not stop, unless forced to somehow, because I think I have a sort of "duty" to do this, BUT some of the others may not feel the same way and simply throw up their hands and say "fuck it".......I've seen it happen 100 times and it will happen again.......we are a community, guys......bonded by our love of music, we do this as a TRUE "labor of love"..........please, please, please, if you sample any of the wares (here or on ANYONE else's site), at least be human enough to say "Thanks", or to say "Go Fuck Yourself", which, trust me, is better than simply acquiring the music we share and saying NOTHING. Thanks for reading and listening, love to everyone.

FREE WILLY-01 Free Willy/02 Howdy Doody In the Woodshed
BEST OF THE FLIPSIDE LIVE-01 Nobody But Me/02 Gigantor/03 You Drive Me Ape (You Big
Gorilla)/04 Pretty Pleasae/05 Poodle Party/06 She's a Hunchback/07 (I'm Stuck In a Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota/08 Crosseyed Tammy/09 Saga of Jim Bowie/10 If Stuart Could talk/11 Bedrock Barney/12 Manny, Moe, and Jack/13 Paranoid
THE PUNK SINGLES COLLECTION-01 The Banana Splits (Tra-La-La Song)/02 Paranoid/03 I'm OK You're OK/04 Eve Of Destruction/05 Give It Back/06 You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla)/07 Sound of Silence/08 Hideous/09 Got it at the Store/10 Nights In White Satin/11 Water Slide/12 Manny Moe and Jack/13 She Loves Me Not/14 Fan Mail/15 (I'm Stuck In a Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota/16 Gigantor/17 Bowling With Bedrock Barney/18 Silent Night
THE DICKIES GO BANANAS-01 Solitary Confinement/02 I'm OK, You're OK/03 Nights In White Satin/04 Got It At the Store/05 Give it Back/06 Paranoid/07 I've Got a Splitting Headache/08 Howdy Doody In the Woodshed/09 Water Slide/10 Manny Moe and Jack/11 My Pop the Cop/12 You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla)/13 Poodle Party/14 Wagon Train/15 She's a Hunchback/16 Curb Job/17 If Stuart Could Talk/18 See Me Feel Me/19 Gigantor/20 Nellie the Elephant/21 The Banana Splits (Tra-La-La Song

LIVE AT THE MASQUE VOLUME 3-01 THE EYES-Eniwetok/02 Take That Quaalude Now/03 Go Go Bee/04 The Happy Song/05 She's Dead/06 Disneyland/07 THE DICKIES-I'm Ok You're Ok/08 Shake and Bake/09 Shadow Man/10 Canyon/11 You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla )/12 Hideous/13 THE RANDOMS-Let's Get Rid of New York/14 Tricia/15 ABC/16 Let's Get Rid of LA/17 BLACK RANDY & THE METROSQUAD-Idi Amin/18 Randy's Intro/19 Loner With a Boner/20 Trouble at the Cup
This one's been a LOTTA work, to be honest, I really hope you guys and gals enjoy it, some great stuff here!