Ok, I asked, you answered, and the "Lounge Acts" series from both WOXY and KEXP Will
continue,maybe once a week, maybe less, maybe more, refer to the earlier post which catalogues them ALL so if there is a special one you desire, please ask and we will get to it evenetually. OK, as Jonder started a lot of the furor over these posts, I am going to give it to him RIGHT HERE, the MANY sessions that he has requested........and in RETURN, he has promised to give us some cool albums from the Duke Spirit, sounds like a fair exchange to me........anyway, I am filling HIS request, if you guys go back to the WOXY/KEXP catalogue, I will fill your requests as well......I TRY, I swear to GOD I TRY, to keep this blog at least a LITTLE different from the other ones out there........really.........if there is ANYTHING you want, PLEASE let me know, my track record shows that I aim to please.........but for now, here are Jonder's requests, NO TRACK TITLES (unsplit tracks), but this is GREAT FUCKING SHIT, AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, is AVAILABLE NOWHERE ELSE (that I know of anyway)...........keep this blog alive, keep it unique, and PLEASE tell me what you want me to post.......GOOD chance I have it/or can get it.........and THIS is what we are all here for. Right?

We will begin with the WOXY sets, as requested by Jonder, and (forgive me) I couldn't find a couple of em, you oughta see the state of my CD room.......anyway, what I wanted to say about THIS set (Volume #39) is that Viva La Foxx is FUCKING GREAT......I have been looking for YEARS for their "official" release, I am not sure that it even exists, ,but please be alerted that this is a fine set.......you won't want to miss it, also apparing are Robb Dickinson and Oppenheimer.......lesser known, to be sure, but take it from yer uncle here, Viva La Foxx is one to be heard, and IF ONE OF YOU FUCKERS HAS BEEN HIDING THIER 'REAL" LP from me for all this time, well, Time to spread the word, right........?

The enxt set requested by Jonder was #43, which ibncludes Asobi Seksu, The Wrens, and Minus the
Bear........don't remember a lot about any of them, but OPEN YOUR FUCKING EARS........this is NOT the place for the greatest of REO Speedcookie or something like that........right?
Volume #46 comes up next in Jonder's "requested" list, and why not, since half the disc is taken up by Frank Black (Black Francis), indeed an incredible rare find........The Pernice Brothers fill out the disc.

Next set he requests (that I can find at this minute, at leaset) is #94, with Neko Case and The Greenhornes.....seemingly, I recall this as a good set, but I can't recall any highlights or anything.......remember, I am trying to get you guys OBSCURE and RARE music, NOT The Allman Brothers sing the classics...........all is ask is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, give me a REMARK/REVIEW of this incredibly rare stuff that I AM giving you.....
Volume #113 by request gives us The Frontier Brothers, Pete & the Pirates, and Cut Off Your hands, not a single one of which I remember a thing about........but here they are , for YOU......see how I want this to WORK?
Volume #124 features the Duke Spirit, whom Jonder swears he will send us complete or semi-complete works from, sounds great, and the rest of the disc is fleshed out with Venice is Sinking and Thing One..........COME ON, wouldn't you RATHER hear this stuff than the stuff some other blogs put up? UNDERSTAND that this is an attempt at a different direction, and I have TONS more (see indexes), it is ALL FOR YOU!
So,let's shift to Jonder's KEXP requests (See? I go ALL OUT for anyone who requests something AND offers up something unique, like Jonder.........KEXP #30 leadsa off with Duke Spirit, whom, again, Jonder plans to send us a broader spectrum of.........we also get, on this disc, Dr. Dog and Blue Scholars.....KEXP (Volume 71) by Jonder's request gives us The jai-Alai Servant and The Cinematic Orchestra, neither of whic is ringing a bell to me right now.........but this is what I LIVE FOR........this stuff is rare if not NON-EXISTENT, Please, sample and comment....

VOLUME #58 splits the difference between Sparklehorse and The English Beat, whom, I'm sure you
all know, again, this is not something you will find every day of the week, and I don't wish to see 5 or 6 downloads for these, when I go through all this work. Please? I don't mean to be nasty, if you think is sucks, PLEASE tell me as much, but COME ON.......Lotta work here, PLEASE, just listen, and tell us what ya think.......you may think it sucks but you may make someones else's day..........right?
We are going to wrap up tonights ALL JONDER request series with KEXP Volume 100 featuring Dederhoof, Parts and Labor, and School of Seven Bells, none of which are blazing to mind either, but this is WHAT I AM HERE FOR........the obscure, the unknown, the rare, the music for those who DARE to think with both halves of the brain. Please, again, listen, and comment.
Remember ALL of these discs feature unsplit tracks, this no track titles.........most tracks are no moer than 25 minutes or so, you can figure out whether they are your thig or not.......if they ARE, SAY SOMETHING and we'll FIND some more material for you........again, I posted the entire catalogue of WOXY and KEXP that I have, if something there tickles your fancey, LET ME KNOW and I'll post it for you.........look what I did for Jonder here........(and he knows what I expect in return, Duke Spirit, to which I am seriously looking forward to.

ANYWAY, I hope this feature of the blog doesn't alienate many/any of you, I am trying to expand ALL of our horizons..........I TRY to be different, with the foreign language stuff, the Nazi stuff, just stuff that IS NOT EASILLY OBTAINABLE........it's only cause I love all of ya, right?
had to go take a pre-employment drug test today........sure do hope all is good, I've been a good boy but NOTHING has ever scared me as much as a drug test!
WOXY #39-01 Viva La Foxx/02 Robb Dickinson/03 Openheimer
WOXY #42-01 Asobi Seksu/02 The Wrens/03 Minus the Bear
WOXY #46-01 Frank Black/02 The Pernice Brothers
WOXY-#94 Neko Case/02 The Greenhornes
WOXY #113-01 The Frontier Brothers/02 Pete & the Pirates/03 Cut Off Your hands
WOXY#124-01 Thing One/02 Venice Is Sinking/03 Duke Spirit

KEXP# 30-01 The Duke Spirit/02 02 Dr. Dog/03 Blue Scholars
KEXP# 58-01 Sparklehorse/02 The English Beat
KEXP #71-01 The Jai Lai Servant/02 The Cinematic Orchestra
KEXP-#100-01 Deerhoof/02 Parts & Labor/03 School of Seven Bells