Well, maybe and maybe not, but one in a while I can be a sucker for this kind of thing, I think I remember
my burnout-metalhead friend Spider talking about these before, several times actually, so I finally got around to checking the Bay for them, in my continued quest to share some rocking tunes with those who might not hear them.......Powerwolf were a German power-metal band in the 00's.....I have not listened to these entirely, but I have carpet-bombed them all, and these rock pretty damn hard, sort of in a retro-Slayer kind of way......if I listened to all of these I might have had my fill of them, but at least on carpet-bomb approach these are at least blog-worthy, some of the metal fans out there certainly will enjoy this, if it is a new discovery, because, as I said, these do rock ear-shreddingly hard, and, when ya go into "metalhead" mode, that is likely the main factor......seriously, I'm not going to give disc-by-disc details, cause I'm not familiar enough, but if you love bone crushing hard metal, today is your lucky day. You're welcome, and at least I know that I for one will wind up keeping these on file, I think they are worth salvaging and documenting as definitive power metal of the era. By the way, English vocals, if you were wondering!

RETURN IN BLOODRED (2005)-01 Mr. Sinister/02 We Came to Take Your Souls/03 Kiss of the Cobra King/04 Black Mass Hysteria/ 05 Demons & Diamonds/06 Montecore/07 The Evil Made Me Do It/08 Lucifer in the Starlight/09 Son of the Morning Star
LUPUS DEI (2007)-01 Lupus Daemonois (Intro)/02 We Take It From the Living/03 Prayer In the Dark/04 Saturday Satan/05 In Blood We Trust/06 Behind the Leather mask/07 Vampires Don't Die/08 When the Moon Shines Red/09 Mother Mary is a Bird of Prey/10 Tiger of Sabrod/11 Lupus Dei

BIBLE OF THE BEAST (2009)-01 Opening (Prelude to Purgatory)/02 Raise Your Fist, Evangelist/ 03

Moscow After Dark/04 Panic In the Pentagram/05 Catholic In the Morning....Satanist at Night/06 Seven Deadly Saints/07 Werewolves of Armenia/08 We Take the Church By Storm/09 Resurrection By Erection/10 Midnight Messiah/11 St. Satan's Day/12 Wolves Against the World

BLOOD OF THE SAINTS (2011)-01 Opening, Angus Dei/02
Sanctified With Dynamite/03 We Drink Your Blood/04 Murder at Midnight/05 All We Need Is Blood/06 Dead Boys Don't Cry/07 Son of a Wolf/08 Night of the Werewolves/09 Phantom of the Funeral/10 Die, Die, Crucified/11 Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)

ALIVE IN THE NIGHT (2012)-01 Lupus Daemonois (Intro)/02 Sanctified With Dynamite/03 Prayer In the Dark/04 Raise Your Fist, Evangelist/05 We Drink Your Blood/06 Werewolves of Armenia/07 Dead Boys Don't Cry/08 Resurrection By Erection/09 Saturday Satan/10 Lupus Dei
PREACHERS OF THE NIGHT (2013)-01 Amen and Attack/02 Secrets of the Sacaristy/03 Coleus of the Sanctus/04 Sacred and Wild/05 Krezfeuer/06 Cardinal Sin/07 In the Name of God (Deus Vult)/08 Nochnoi Dozor/09 Lust For Blood/10 Extatum et Oratum/11 Last of the Living Dead/12 Living on a Nightmare/13 Headless Cross/14 Night Crawler/15 Amen and Attack (Orchestra Version)

THE ROCKHARD SACRAMENT (EP) (2013)-01 Amen and Attack/02 In the Name of God/03
Headless Cross/04 Nightcrawler/05 Living on a Nightmare/06 Amen and Attack (Orchestra Version)
Something SOMEWHAT different for today, got a few more things for today before I shut it down for at least tomorrow (My son Grant is coming to visit me from college, and, well, the Ohio State/Michigan game is Sunday).....so most likely, I'll see you hosers on Sunday as the Vikings already played for this week......worst (or maybe best? depending on your viewpoint?)....be back Monday at the latest!