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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

RIP Paul Revere

Paul Revere, of Paul Revere and the Raiders (one of VERY most underappreciated acts of the 1960's) passed away this past weekend at th age of 76......I also lost a VERY good friend of mine on the same da, which has bummed me out to the point of not posting for a couple of days, but I know I do have at least one and maybe a couple Revere comps back there.....

Ok, found one anyway....Northwest legends with a grungy/garage sound, outlandish Revolutionary War costumes AND a string of ass-kicking singles, if you are not as of now a fan of Paul Revere & the Raiders, here is a jumping-off point for you......if you ARE, you understand why I feel it necesssary to say goodbye to him (perhaps if you are my age or older you will recall the bands legendry appearances on Dick Clark's "Where the Action Is", often stunning.....

So, this comp starts out with "thier" version of "Louie Louie", obviously not the greatest version of the song, but an obligatory one....tracks 3/4 are classics pure and simple...."Steppin' Out" ("Wel I had to leave town coz of Uncle Sam's deal") and the great "Just Like Me".....other greats include "Hungry" and the often-covered"Kicks" (EarthQuake, for one, did a good version of that one)...also some very cool, not as well known tracks such as "Action", "Him Or Me", and their cover of "i'm Not Your Steppin' Stone"........

OK, it's not comprehensive, lacks some of the later, (IMO) less significant material like "Cherokee Nation" and "Legalize Marijuana", I knid of appreciate the era on which it focuses.....likely someone out there has a much BETTER and more comprehensive compilation than this one and if so send it to me and I will be glad to post it.......until then we have.......

PAUL REVERE & THE RAIDERS-GREATEST HITS-01 Louie Louie/02 Louie, Go Home/03 Steppin' Out/04 Just Like Me/05 Melody For an Unknown Girl/06 Kicks (Single Version)/07 Hungry/08 The Great Airplane Strike/09 Good Thing/10 Ups and Downs/11 Legend of Paul Revere/12 Action/13 I'm Not Your Steppin Stone/14 Him or Me-What's It Gonna Be?/15 Peace of Mind

Rest In Peace, Paul, some damn fne music, ahead of its time (IMO) here!



  2. Yes, he was and still is one of the greatest rock 'n' rollers from North America and his bandmate's are pretty high on the list too. "Time After Time" is a nice one as well.

