Friends in Garage Punk", which I promise you is spectacular.....today I will round up the remainder of his garage/fuzz/trash ......obviously if you liked yesterday's you will like these as well, in particular if you don't mind (I bet you didn't even notice) his sort of annoying habit of programming everything in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.......I guess they have to be in SOME kind of order, and if THAT is the biggest bitch I have in my life, what a soft life I shall live.
First up, the three disc "Garage (!)".....some truly great bands much along the lines of those we enjoyed yesterday....Disc one features the Beatgrinders, Cryptics, Demonics (but, unfortunately, NOT my favorite "California Nightmare", I'll have to do a special Demonics post perhaps), the Flypped Whigs, Hermits, King Mixers, LPG, Mole People, and Multicoloured Shades....all represented by at least a couple tracks, one would gather these were (not certain) singles/EP gatherings. Disc 2 features the absolutley legendary Swingin Neckbreakers, but also greats like Not Quite, Otherside, Ricochets, Shambles, Stephord Husbands, Switch Trout, Ten Tons of Lies, and Thee Gorgons, who we heard from yesterday with the exact same EP track as these, sorry.

Wildebeests (damn near an album full of them, and quite worthwhile), Witch Doctors, and Worst.......these are three damn fine discs, don't miss em, I don't think you are going to find them easilly anywhere else..
A single disc collection that he created, "I Wish I Was There (But I'm Not)" is more of a traditionally structured comp, as opposed to the above, and does it ever contain legends of the genre.....Billy Childish, Devil Dogs, Jewws, Lazy Cowg, Miracle Workers, Mummies, Radio Birdman, nd Von Zippers.....the list is below, that's about a third of it.
Occasionaly the guy tried to conceptualize (see: "Fuck You All" yesterday, songs that all have "fuck" in the title) as on "Give Me Money Motherfuckers", songs which, get this, all have MONEY in the titles.....nothing wrong with that, highlights include GG Alin, the Gories, The Sonics, Baby Woodrose (i can't BELEIVE I've never done a full post on them), Milkshakes, Thee Mighty Ceasars, and loads more. I like "Fuck You All" a bit better just because, well, just because, but this works as well.....
Well, let's clean this up before tomorrow's "big production"...."A Garage Punk Farewell to 2008" contains 18 tracks from that wonerful year, Jay Reatard, Lords of Altamont, Nodzzz, Bad Machine.....I'm sure it was a great year for garage punk, as I'm sure every year is!
Also found a 4-track EP "Now Suck on This", have no idea how or why the tracks were selected, probably could have stuck them on at the end of something else, but DO NOT QUESTION Katrakyla! Tracks from Bored!, Poppin Mammas, Seminal Rats (version of "Call Me Animal") and The Dirty Lovers make this, I guess, another essential piece of the puzzle.
OK tomorrow, we start "They Are All My Friends....." likely all 8 discs tomorrow, I'd guess those in the know would call it his (Katrakyla's) career masterwork (even though those 60's comps I posted months ago certainly were bad-ass as well)
Enjoy these. Katrakyla, your site is greatly missed. GIMME FUZZ!

Don't Surf/03 Green Fuzz (live)/04 The Witch/ (TRACKS 5-7 THE CRYPTICS)-05 Back To Me/06 Ricordami/07 You're Evil/(TRACKS 8-11 THE DEMONICS)-08 Demon Garage/09 Dustin the Fuzz/10 Girlfriends Bestfriend/11 Little Honda/(TRACKS 12-15 FLYPPED WHIGS)-12 1 and 1=2/13 Don't Go Away Mad/14 Invisible People/15 Numbers/(TRACKS 16-17 THE HERMITS)-16 Be a Caveman/17 Yes I Do/(TRACKS 18-20 THE KING MIXERS) 18 The Easy Way Down/19 Thought I Saw You/20 Zug Me/(TRACKS 21-23 LPG)-21 Lay Your Money Down/22 Things Aint Been the Same/23 Twenty Five/(TRACKS 24-25 MOLE PEOPLE)-24 Can't It Be/25 Crawlin Eye/(TRACKS 26-28 MULTICOLOURED SHADES)-26 2000 Light Years From Home/27 House of Wax/28 Lost Riders in Heaven
GARAGE (!) DISC 2-(TRACKS 1-2 NOT QUITE)-01 Circles/02 Green Slime/(TRACKS 3-6 OTHERSIDE)-03 For Another Man/04 Haunted House/05 Just My kind/06 Puppy Dog (TRACKS 7-10 THE RICOCHETS) 07 Hey Girl/08 Mad Man/09 Made In the Shade/10 Runnin Wild/(TRACKS 11-14 SHAMBLES)-11 Fire/12 I Can't Don't Want To/13 Stuck on the Inside/14 Thin Lines (TRACKS 15-16 STEPHORD HUSBANDS)-15 Why Aren't You There/16 Yeah (TRACKS 17-20 SWINGIN NECKBREAKERS) 17-Diggin a Grave/18 Mighty Mack/19 The Girl Can't Help It/20 You Better Dig It (TRACKS 21-23 SWITCH TROUT)-21 In the Kitchen/22 Psychodestruct/23 Zoot Suit/(TRACKS 24-25 TEN TONS OF LIES)-24 Seeds of Next Season/25 You Lied/(TRACKS 26-27 THEE GORGONS)26 He's Waitin'/27 I Can't Be True

GARAGE (!) DISC 3-(TRACKS 1-2 TYME SOCIETY)-01 Leaves Are Turning Brown/02
Wondering Why/(TRACKS 3-5 UNITED STATES OF EXISTENCE) 03 Makin My Scene/04 Return to the Psychedelic/05 Shadows of Rainbows/(TRACKS 6-13 WILDEBEESTS) 06 Beeftub/07 Dinosaur/08 Gorilla Got Me/09 I'm Rowed Out/10 One + One/11 Parchman Farm/12 Pow Wow/13 Teenage Letter/(TRACKS 14-15 WITCH DOCTORS)-14 Death Ray 63/15 Wrong Before/(TRACKS 16-20 WORST)-16 Creepy Thing/17 I Don't Dig You/18 I've Got a Curse/19 She Gives Me The Creeps/20 Werewolf

Gone/20 LAZY COWGIRLS-Route 66/21 MAKERS-Potential Liability/22 MIRACLE WORKERS-Psycho/23 MUMMIES-She Lied/24 NOMADS-Boss Hoss/25 PROBLEMATICS-Make Me Lose My Cool/26 QUADRAJETS-Going Down/27 RADIO BIRDMAN-Non-Stop Girls/28 ROCKS-You're So Boring/29 SAINTS-Wild About You/30 SONS OF HERCULES-Gimme Some/31 SPITFIRES-Social Club/32 TOKYO KNIVES-Futso Kayoi/33 VON ZIPPERS-Broke Down

Flare/02 BAD MACHINE-Surfin In the City/03 EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING-Sunday's Coming/04 GUINEA WORMS-Box of Records/05 HANK IV-Feeding Me Back/06 JAY REATARD-Hiding Hole/07 LORDS OF ALTAMONT-Faded Black/08 LOS HORIES-Dynamite/09 MAGNIFICENT BROTHERHOOD-Cracker/10 MIDNIGHT WOOLF-River Swamp Stomp/11 MOJOMATICS-Hole In My Heart/12 MOLTEN UNIVERSE-Strange Kind of Love/13 NODZZZ-Is She There/14 PINK FITS-You Better Run/15 RANSOME BROTHERS-I Feel Like Dancin/16 REACTIONS-Wild About You/17 SCREWTOP DETONAORS-Anvil/18 UPSIDEDOWN-If You Are a Hell Girl

MAMMAS-Mill Workin Man/03 SEMINAL RATS-Call Me Animal/4 THE DIRTY LOVERS-Boss Hoss
On Garage (!) Disc 2, track 13 is The Shambles - 'Louise". Move the group & song titles after that down one and it will all work out right. i.e. 14 The Shambles - Stuck on the Inside.