Hi Scott ,
It's been a little while since I was last in touch, I now have limited use of my hand after surgery to repair a ruptured tendon , full use will , hopefully , return over the next few months . My last submission was Space Debris , as is this . The first - At Finkenbach - is an official release , the remaining two are bootlegs , tracks are split but untitled . So that's it as far as Space Debris goes , I'll send other odds & sods as & when I find / have something of interest [I do have two or three old tapes of Flo & Eddie that I digitised an age ago but never got round to splitting / tagging tracks , being live shows I think they work better as single files . Yours if you want them ..] (SCOTT: Sure, send em along at your leisure!)
Take it easy .....
AT FINKENBACH-http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/v6nQoQ0u/file.html
PSYCHEDELIC SPACE ROCK FESTIVAL-http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/ndcXflfi/file.html
At Finkenbach [2012]
At Finkenbach [2012]
At Finkenbach [2012]
Zigzag, thanks a lot for following up on this. I'm looking forward to listening to it. Hope your hand is better soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks Zigzag!
ReplyDeleteI know what you are experiencing... I got surgery on left hand 14 months ago, incident at work...
Now i play guitar again... short scale, no thick strings, no hours long sessios... but playing ta bluz again!