to the site, Dave Sez has probably contributed the most varied selection of things for our listening pleasure....he's recently sent me four such packages, and I'm going to round all four of them up today......haven't listened to any of them yet, so we will find out together. Please, I'm just passing them along to you....if you opt to sample all/any of them, please extend your gratitude to Dave Sez, with the hope that he will continue to contribute to the blog from his extensive collection. Also, if anyone else has ANYTHING they think would be of interest, PLEASE contribute it, tapes of your bar band, rarities, hell, a tape of your kid's choir or something. Tomorrow, we will get another segment of Greek Punk from Apantabapanta, as well as some stuff from Ruben Chandler's band that I said I'd put up a while back and forgot to.....but today, it's all about the generosity of Dave Sez, so let's see what he has for us in THIS delivery.
First up, we have a fine looking comp, "Fast Product-Mutant Pop 78-79 (1980), features mutlipel tracks from The Mekons, Scars, The Human League, 2-3, the Flowers, and Gang of Four....correcting what I said earlier, I DID listen to this one and it's cool, looked it up and it's a group of obscure 7"'s from Fast Product Records, the highlight for me being the alternate versions of "future" Gang of Four classics, "Anthrax", "Damaged Goods", and "Armalite Rifle"......also always love discovering a "new" act from that era, and I was, until now unfamiliar with 2-3, the Scars, and the Flowers, all of whom certainly merit a listen, I found the Scars especially appealing.
FAST PRODUCT-MUTANT POP 78-79-01 THE MEKONS-Never Been In a Riot/02 THE MEKONS-32 Weeks/03 THE MEKONS-Where You Been/04 THE SCARS-Adultery/05 THE SCARS-Horror Show/06 THE HUMAN LEAGUE-Being Boiled/07 HUMAN LEAGUE-Circus of Death/08 2-3-All Time Low/09 2-3-Where to Know/10 THE FLOWERS-After Dark/11 THE FLOWERS-Confessions/12 GANG OF FOUR-Love Like Anthrax/13 GAMG OF FOUR-Aramlite Rifle/14 GANG OF FOUR-Damaged Goods
See comment section for link.

before.....if you don't know him, Johnson is a fine blues singer/guitarist who is best known for his work with Dr. Feelgood in the 70's.....always great fun to hear his rumbling guitar work, scanning the tracklist by eyeball, I see "Wooly Bully" makes an appearance, can't recall for sure hearing him take on that classic before, should be fun!
WILKO JOHNSON 1990.12.00 BELGRADE, K.S.T. CLUB-01 All Right/02 Title/03 Dr. Dupree/04 I Wanna Be Your Lover/05 You Got Me/06 Track 6/07 Sneakin Suspicion/08 When I'm Gone/09 Extasy/10 Wooly Bully/11 Don't Let Your Daddy Know, Part 1/12 Don't Let Your Daddy Know, part 2/13 Back in the Night/14 She Does It Right/15 Roxette/16 Bottle Up and Go/17 Audience/18 Bye Bye Johnny
See comment section for link
Now, for something in the "anything goes" spirit in which I try to keep the blog, a spirit which Dave Sez understands completely...Rites of Strings, from whom I have never heard a note, taken from Chapiteau de Maricac, Jazz A Maricac, France, July 30 2007......the trip consists of Violinist Jean Luc Ponty, with whom we are likely all familiar and has created some tremendous sounds over the years, guitarist Al Di Meola, and double bassist Stanley Clarke.....I know about as much about jazz as I know about playing 3-D Chinese Scrabble, however, I do know this: I trust fully in Dave Sez' judgement, and, also, I have always enjoyed what I've heard of Ponty, who at times used to get some play on some of the free-est form rock stations back in those late great 70's.....I will be listening to this one within the hour, betting it's quality, and I'd like YOU to check into it as well......and let me and "provider" Dave Sez know your thoughts on it, and to everyone, I WELCOME CONTRIBUTIONS LIKE THIS, anythime......
RITE OF STRINGS-JAZZ MARCIAC 2007-01 Indigo/02 Memory Canyon/0 Song To John/04 Poema Valseado/05 Nostalgia/Desert Crossing/06 All About the Bass (parts 1 & 2)/07 Renaissance/08 Mediterranean Sundance
See comment section for link

certainly of interest.... a (long) while back I posted a bunch of Police rarities..... "rarities" being a relative term when it comes to this package though..... first of all, Sting's first band, Last Exit, come through with a set of studio demos from between 1974-76... Last Exit were Keyboardist Gerry Richardson, bassist/vocalist Sting, drummer/vocalist Ronnie Pearson, and guitarist John Headly... see below for track listings, Tracks 1-4 are 1974 demos from Impulse Studio, Tracks 5-15 are also from Impulse, ca. 1976.
LAST EXIT-IMPULSE STUDIO DEMOS-01 Every Day's Just the Same/02 Carrion Prince (Ye of Little Hope) (Alternate Short Version)/03 Don't Let It Bring You Down/04 Whispering Voices (Alternate version)/05 Carrion Prince (Ye of Little Hope) (Alternate Long Version)/07 I Burn For You/08 Untitled Instrumental I/09 Fool In Love/10 I'm On This Train (Alternate Version)/11 Don't You Look At Me/12 Savage Beast (Alternate Version)/13 Untitled Instrumental II/14 Soul Music/15 Night In the Grand Hotel......
Next in this collection is a recording by the original Police from 1977, Dave Sez it's the only recording he knows of with Henry Padovani on guitar. Also a single from the same era.
THE POLICE-3/6/77 LONDON NASHVILLE-01 Landlord/02 Kids to Blame/03 Clouds In Venice/04 Night at the Grand Hotel/05 It's My Life/06 Dead End Job/07 Fall Out
THE POLICE 1977 single-01 Fall Out/02 Nothing Achieving
And finally, a single from a crew which called itself The Radio Actors, also from 1977
RADIO ACTORS-01 Nuclear Waste/02 Digital Love
Interesting lineup for this last single, bassist Mike Howlett, Drummer Steve Broughton, Guitarist Steve Hillage, Vocalist Sting, rhythm guitarist/vocalist harry Williamson, saxophonist/vocalist Nick Turner, vocalist Gilli Smyth.
Check it out and let the world know what you think. See comment section for link!