my shit has touched so many of your lives in whatever large/small dose. I am trying to dry out, I'm going to be fucking honest here, it's going to be a living nightmare for a while I think, if anyone out there has any advice (ie someone who has been sober for sometime), please contact me via email and I will give you my phone number. Anyway, I do appreciate all the kind words.
I'm not going to comment on these albums too much, because, as I said before, I really don't like them too much. I'm going to take the easy way out and post them, and, if someone (and there will be some) who DO like them wants to offer up any commentary on them, the stage is yours. I just gotta get some fucking sleep, I feel like fuck right now, honest to God, I've been abusing substances for pretty much about 44 of my 54 years, give or take, so this shit is new to me........anyway, here are the next three Costello & the Attractions albums, "Get Happy!", "Almost Blue", and "Trust".......I think there are bonus tracks on them, I'll check and see. Someone, and I know many do, who enjoys these discs please offer up what it is you like about them ("Get Happy!" is listed in the book "The 50 Worst Rock Albums of All Time" and I agree).....anyway, here they be, try to get some more Dream Theater up tomorrow, perhaps.
GET HAPPY! DISC 1-01 Love For Tender/02 Opportunity/03 The Imposter/04 Secondary Modern/05 King Horse/06 Possession/07 Men Called Uncle/08 Clowntime Is Over/09 New Amsterdam/10 High Fidelity/11 I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down/12 Black and White World/13 5ive Gears In reverse/14 B Movie/15 Motel Matches/16 Human Touch/17 Beaten to the Punch/18 Temptation/19 I Stand Accused/20 Riot Act
GET HAPPY! DISC 2-01 I Stand Accused (alternate version)/02 So Young/03 Girls Talk/04 Human Touch (Alternate version)/05 Temptation (alternate version)/06 Motel matches (alternate take)/07 Clowntime Is Over No. 2/08 B Movie (alternate version)/09 Girls Talk (alternate version)/10 Getting Mighty Crowded/11 From a Whisper to a Scream/12 Watch Your Step (alternate version)/13 Dr Luther's Assistant/14 Ghost Train/15 New Lace Sleeves/16 Hoover Factory/17 Just a Memory/18 I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down (alternate version)/19 New Amsterdam (alternate version)/20 Black and White World (demo)/21 Riot Act (demo)/22 5ive Gears in Reverse (demo)/23 Love For Tender (demo)/24 Men Called Uncle (demo)/25 King Horse (demo)/26 Seven O'Clock (demo)/27 High Fidelity (live)/28 Opportunity (live)/29 The Imposter (live)/30 Don't Look Back (live)

I'm Your Toy/05 Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down/06 Brown to Blue/07 Good Year for the Roses/08 Sittin' and Thinkin'/09 Colour of the Blues/10 Too Far Gone/11 Honey Hush/12 How Much I lied/13 He's Got You (Live)/14 Cry Cry Cry (Live)/15 There Won't Be Anyone (Live)/16 Sittin' and Thinkin' (live)/17 Honey Hush (Live)/18 Psycho/19 Your Angel Steps Out of Heaven/20 Darling, You Know I Wouldn't Lie/21 My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You/22 Tears Before Bedtime/23 I'm Your Toy
TRUST-01 Clubland/02 Lovers Walk/03 You'll Never Be A Man/04 Pretty Words/05 Strict Time/06 Luxembourg/07 Watch Your Step/08 New Lace Sleeves/09 From a Whisper to a Scream/10 Different Finger/11 White Knuckles/12 Shot With His Own Gun/13 Fish N Chip Papaer/14 Big Sister's Clothes/15 Black Sails in the Sunset/16 Big Sister/17 Sad About Girls/18 Twenty Five to Twelve/19 Love For Sale/20 Weeper's Dream/21 Gloomy Sunday/22 Boy With a Problem/23 Seconds of Pleasure
Hey man your blog gives all of us a feeling of belonging to something and sharing the things we like about life with each other. The best way to tackle an addiction is to fill up the time you used to spend on it with something else, something you enjoy doing - like this great blog! I know how hard it is but we are all here with you. We are all in this together, don't fade out on us!
ReplyDelete-eddy johns
Staying busy is a great idea. Is there an activity or hobby you've wanted to try? Binge watch stuff on Netflix. Can you do some stuff with your son before college starts?
ReplyDeleteThe most important part of getting sober is wanting it. It's kind of like school. If you don't want to learn, they can't make you but if you do want to learn, they can't stop you.
You got this, homie.
Dude if it's any help at one time I was probably responsible for one-fourth of Mexico's economy. Then one day while coughing up a lung I just decided that's enough...never have looked back and I have no regrets or shame. I don't hold any ill will towards anybody who continues to either, their choice and more power to you. With that being said I'm really surprised that "GET HAPPY" was on the 50 worst records list. I always like it and "TRUST" I also thought "TAKING LIBERTIES" was a great comp. But outside of a couple of things on "BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE" I gotta agree his stuff just doesn't do anything for me.....
ReplyDeleteOne last comment, one of the great things about music is it's brings us together, whether we agree or disagree on certain types of musicians or music. You my friend have contributed to me finding a shit load of sounds that otherwise I would never have heard of. So DUDE you have done a GREAT SERVICE to me alone with the many artists you have exposed me to.....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBe well Netizen! And thanks for all your hard work posting tunz for your fellow music lovers! Remember the Hippie Credo: Free your mind and your ass will follow! Peace.
ReplyDeleteGet Happy! is one of my favorite albums, the R&B/Soul tenor of it really resonates with me, but thats just one person's opinion.
ReplyDeleteFor me, abusing alcohol and drugs was a means of self-medicating and it wasn't until I learned the nature of what was really wrong that I was able to go on living without those "crutches."
My brother, your music and your writing -- you -- have been a pleasure for people you've never met and never will meet.
ReplyDeleteTake a walk, take a run, chew a lot of gum. Find a new way to scratch the itch.
Making others happy will make you happy. And appreciate the smallest gifts and the big things will take of themselves.
Your friends have your back and will be thinking good thoughts wherever they are.
Hang in there.
I am one more of your friends and fans who has struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide. Support groups are good, and you actually have one right here -- a forum for sharing deep and honest feelings. As they say, "the drugs don't work" -- or rather, they stop working. Recreational drugs and alcohol were once a joyride, but eventually they become a joyless routine. You keep chasing that carefree high that we felt when we were young, increasing the dosage with diminishing results. The truth is that substance abuse is the worst thing for depressed people, because it only masks our pain and allows us to hide from our feelings while accelerating the downward spiral.
ReplyDeleteAs they say in AA and NA, each addict has to hit rock bottom before he finds the courage to change. You tried to die, but you woke up ALIVE. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, maybe you can find meaning and a reason for the wonderful fact that you are still here. As someone said here, it's a chance for a reset.
Congratulations for having the COURAGE to make a huge change in your life by "drying out".
DeleteMy own opinion is that any addiction or negative thinking is usually down to habit, so you got to replace bad habits with good ones. Not necessarily physical habits, but habitual ways of thinking. I personally found NLP useful. A way of reprogramming yr mind. You don't have to see anyone - you can learn very simple effective techniques in books or online - it's about paying attention to how your mind works and replacing old negative thinking with new positive thinking.
ReplyDeleteJack hit the nail on the head. NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is exactly what I am talking about below. In simple terms it is "self talk". Take a critical listen to what you are telling yourself, recognize how you are actively hurting yourself by belittling your sense of self worth. Tell that part of your mind to fuck off because you're not going to listen to it any longer. As the poet e.e. cummings once wrote, "there is some shit i will not eat."
DeleteAs regards EC, it just goes to show how subjective music is because Get Happy is probably (along with Imperial Bedroom) my favourite album of his. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would include it on a list of 'Worst Albums'. I think I've found something to enjoy on every album he's done. I wasn't so keen on Almost Blue (if I want to listen to George Jones I'll buy a George Jones album) but even that is listenable.
ReplyDeleteIt has been in the news that the suicide rate among white males age 45 to 55 has now reached epidemic proportions. We struggle against the sense that our lives have lost meaning and purpose. Not long ago I realized: "I can't be who I was when I was younger. In many ways I'm not the person who I wanted to become. All I can do is be who I am right now." But who are we? Husbands and fathers. Workers and providers. Those things are important, and they do have meaning, however unappreciated we may feel. Equally important (if not more so) is that we are human beings who deserve to experience happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction in who we are and what we do. "They would be better off without me" and "Nothing really matters" are LIES that we tell ourselves. They become part of our daily internal dialogue, and we have to call ourselves out when we lie to ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI recently watched a very good Jim Jarmusch movie called "Only Lovers Left Alive". The main characters are vampires, but that is incidental to the core of the story: a wife is trying to talk her husband out of suicide. He asks her what makes life worth living. Her answers are the pleasures of friendship and love; enjoying the arts (music, books, creativity); "appreciation of nature" (the beauty in the world around us)... and dancing!
DeleteHope you're hanging in there....
ReplyDeleteYes, while I haven't posted in a few days I've been to a couple Drs the last couple days. Hope to post something Wednesday, thanks to all for concerns
ReplyDeleteSecond Get Happy disc link is dead now. :(