it gives me something to do and focus on, which, as you may or may not understand, I kind of need at the moment.....also, as far as I know, Monday May 2, I am supposed to return to work......now, I am glad of that, I've been off since December 18, and as I have implied, it has not exactly been a wonderland of relaxation or anything......I've stated before that this blog will die only when I die or someone else kills it off, and neither of those is happening, at least not anytime REAL soon.....what I'm getting at is, while over the winter/spring my team of helpers and myself have tried to post near daily, often multiple times daily.....now, unless I get an unexpected slew of contributions, I will not be able to keep up that kind of a schedule on this. I WILL NOT STOP, but, likely, 2-3 posts a week (from me, and whatever else anyone cares to send me, and that could mean YOU, I LOVE contributed material and wish more would make the effort)...anyway, don't think anything is amiss should the posts become more sporadic (and they will), I just need to work to occupy my mind and put a couple bucks in my pocket. In the meantime though, I think that this week I'm going to try to get a lot of posts up for you, and I hope you find something there that you like.
Also, this might not be a bad time to reiterate the re-post policy, and I'm not terribly flexible on this....each day, several times a day, I will get an email or a comment telling me some link from 2012 is dead and ould I reup it. Frankly, some people are downright nippy about it as though I owe them. Well, I don't, and i also don't have time to re-up everything anyone asks for, I'd literally NEVER get anything else posted. THE ONLY exception is this, and this is the procedure I request be followed. You see a post from 2012 or whatever (and OF COURSE the links are dead, it was 4 years ago and I don't care enough to jumpstart them and keep them active on my own), what you need to do is BEFORE you ask about the links in question, submit something for the overall good of the blog. A rare or lesser known album, a concert recording, (my favorite) a homemade compilation......doesn't have to be music, I love literature, comics, photo collections, artwork......ANYTHING of interest to make this blog more interesting for everyone. Submit it to me via email, I'll post it (if it is of ANY value at all), AND THEN, you ask about the old link, which I will then either repost, or send to you a personally created new one, depending on what it is. Sorry this is how it's gotta be, but it's how it's gotta be, so, I appreciate your compliance and cooperation.

Sir Lord Baltimore were vocalist/drummer John Garner, guitarist Louis Dambra, and bassist Gary Justin.....they released these two decades-ahead-of-their-time albums, "Kingdom Come" (1970) and "Sir Lord Baltimore" (1971)....as you know, I just love a lot of the underappreciated hard rock/metal of the early 1970's (see also: Pink Fairies, Blue Cheer, Dark-E, and a few dozen more), I liken it to the stoner rock of the late 2000's-early 2010's in that I think it's music that can't be fully appreciated until years after the fact.

The follow up is damn near as good, adding a second guitar but somehow not quite generating the fire of the
debut......the pace is slowed down a bit, bit this still rocks like a mother......if you are a lover of metal, of modern day stoner rock, early 70's hard rock, whatever, these are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL......by the way, these are FLAC files....I have posted these albums before, not in FLAC, but using my vinyl rips which, frankly sound like shit (scratched up, vomitted on, whatever), and the only substitute I could locate was in FLAC, thus the splitting of the LP's into 2 parts each...it WILL work, just download BOTH parts of the disc and it will fall into place for you......this is great great music, do not miss it if you have never heard it.
KINGDOM COME-01 Master Heartache/02 Hard Rain Fallin'/03 Lady of Fire/04 Lake Isle of Innersfree/05 Pumped Up/06 Kingdom Come/07 I Got a Woman/08 Hell Hound/09 Helium Head (I Got a Love)/10 Ain't Got Hung on You
SIR LORD BALTIMORE-01 Man From Manhatten/02 Where are We Going/03 Chicago Lives/04 Loe and Behold/05 Woman Tamer/06 Caeser LXXI
Nice post. Louie Dambra went by the name of Louis Caine earlier in his career when he was part of the New York band The Koala. They did one self-titled LP for Capitol. I know this because my uncle was in the band. I may post the Koala on my blog at some point.
ReplyDeleteI did a post on The Koala a few months ago....use my link for your post if u want
ReplyDeleteI did a post on The Koala a few months ago....use my link for your post if u want