bootlegs posted a couple days ago......I have a handful of older boots from the band, who always were one of my favorites....VERY soon, also, I'll get around to posting the studio albums that I have as well as the TREMENDOUS "X Anthology" which is a major gem in itself.
So, I'm really not going to describe each of these shows......I loved X's unique punkabilly, LOVED Exene Cervenka's one of a kind vocals, which she traded off masterfully with John Doe, who was slamming out those one-of-a-kind X -riffs.....and a perfect rhythm section of Billy Zoom and DJ Bonebrake (HELL yes!), X was one of THE great American bands of the late 70's/early 80's.....my favorite album was BY FAR the masterpiece "Wild Gift", followed by "Los Angeles", both of which are well represented on each of these sets....the latter albums were not as great, but, the songs still translate well on stage......yet ANOTHER one of those bands I wish i could have seen, but these boots could be the next best thing I guess....
I'll have to check, I think I am missing a couple of their later studio albums, when I do THAT post, I'm sure someone (Jon S?) will help me out! Til then rock these boots, they fucking rule!
UNKNOWN VENUE, LOS ANGELES, 12/28/78 (Date uncertain)-01 You're Phone's Off the Hook, But You're Not/02 We're Desperate/03 Beyond N Back/04 It's Who You know/05 The Unheard Music/06 Year 1/07 Soul Kitchen/08 The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)/09 Universal Corner/10 I'm Coming Over
CLUB 88 LOS ANGLES (EARLY SHOW) 1/10/81-01 Hi/02 Some Other Time/03 We're Desperate/04 Sex and Dying in High Society/05 Universal Corner/06 Beyond and Back/07 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline/08 Nausea/09 The Once Over Twice/10 Back 2 the Base/11 Year 1/12 In This House That I Call Home/13 Los Angeles/14 You're Phone's Off the Hook (But You're Not)/15 Sugarlight/16 It's who You know/17 Soul Kitchen

Off the Hook (But You're Not)/03 Real Child Of Hell/04 Blue Spark/05 Los Angeles/06 We're Desperate/07 The Once Over Twice/08 The Have Nots/09 Some Other Time/10 Because I Do/11 Back 2 the Base/12 A Little Blues Vamp/13 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline/14 The Unheard Music/15 The hungry Wolf
THE CATALYST SANTA CRUZ CA 10/26/82 DISC 2-01 Beyond and Back/02 nausea/03 It's Who You Know/04 The Worlds a mess (It's In My Kiss)/05 How I (Learned My Lesson)/06 Sugarlight/07 Motel Room In My bed/08 Riding With Mary/09 Year 1/10 Soul Kitchen/11 In This House That I Call Home/12 White Girl
THE AGORA WEST HARTFORD 2/21/83-01 (Intro)/02 Sugarlight/03 Real Child of Hell/04 Some Other Time/05 The have Nots/06 Sex and Dying In High Society/07 How I (Learned My Lesson)/08 White Girl/09 Unheard Music/10 Los Angeles/11 Back 2 the Base/12 I'm Coming Over/13 The Hungry Wolf/14 Nausea/15 Year 1/16 True Love/17 Universal Corner/18 Beyond and Back/19 We're Desperate/20 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline/21 Because I Do/22 Encore Break/Banter/23 We're having Much More Fun/24 Motel Room In My Bed/25 Soul Kitchen
THE WHISKEY A GO GO 1988 DISC 1-01 Los Angeles/02 In This House That I Call Home/03 The New World/04 Around My Heart/05 Surprise Surprise/06 Because I Do/07 Burning House of Love/08 My Goodness/09 Blue Spark/10 The Once Over Twice/11 Devil Doll (includes Excerpt of "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues")/12 The Hungry Wolf
THE WHISKEY A GO GO 1988 DISC 2-01 Just Another Perfect Day/02 Unheard Music/03 Riding With Mary/04 The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)/05 True Love/06 White Girl/07 Skin Deep Town/08 So Long/09 The Call of the Wreckin Ball/10 Year 1/11 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline
L'AMOUR BROOKLYN 11/26/85-01 Intro/02 We're having Much More Fun/03 Real Child of Hell/04 Year One/05 Make the Music Go Bang/06 White Girl/07 True Love/08 The Hungry Wolf/09 Beyond and Back/10 Poor Girl/11 Nausea/12 The New World/13 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline/14 Los Angeles/15 Blue Spark/16 True Love Part 2/17 Breathless/18 We're Desperate/19 Soul Kitchen/20 Motel Room In My Bed/21 Devil Doll/22 Some Other Time/23 It's Who You Know/24 Because I Do

Wolf/04 More Fun In the New World/05 Universal Corner/06 True Love part 2/07 Beyond and Back/08 Los Angeles/09 Make the Music Go Bang/10 Some Other Time/11 Hot House/12 Soul Kitchen/13 Breathless/14 Medley/15 Johnny Hit and Run Pauline/16 Motel Room In My Bed/17 Poor Girl/18 Devil Doll
Hope you all enjoy them, look for the studio discs in a day or three, they rule as well!
Brooklyn 85
LA 78
LA 81
WhiskEY D1
Thanks a million!
ReplyDeleteAnd, not to pick nits, but John Doe and D.J Bonebreak are the rhythm section, and Billy Zoom cranks out those fantastic rockabilly riffs.
Many thanks for these