So, did ya enjoy the first half of the series? ? Don't see how ya couldn't... and it's just a warm up for today! Now, listen carefully, my children... we are up to Volume 8, which consists of NINE discs, ALL titled "Zarius Knights of Fuzzface"... NO IDEA, don't ask me, but there's some fucking great garage rock on these discs. Then, finally, we will end up with the single disc Volume 9 ("Revival Garage Internacional").... the numbering system is as bizarre as bizarre can be, but it is so very easy to forgive. Trust me. Again, please discuss, leave comments, I'm "feeling" this stuff right now, and you know how I can get (like when I was feeling "psych" or "punk" and I have just TONS of this kinda stuff too.....

So, here we are... Volume 8 disc 1.... I don't think the discs are "themed" especially, just one blast after another of three-chord guitar, farfisa organ and screaming.... The Chesterfield Kings blast "Baby Doll" out of the park on this one, but don't forget The (much underappreciated, IMO) Brood with the fabulous "Writin on the Wall", The Lyres , The Cynics, whom we all know are great.... not so well known would be, say, Captain Future & the Zapguns, The Bogeymen, Crimson Shadows, and, like some of yesterday's stuff, there are four tracks referred to simply as "Bonus Track", no title or artist given. For some reason, I absolutely LOVE that... don't ask me why.

More "Bonus Tracks" on disc 2, but how about this lineup: Baby Woodrose, The Fuzztones, Yard
Trauma, The Nomads, and the Gruesomes, mixed in amongst 1-2-5, Outta Place, Queen Hornets... this set brilliantly melds together "greats" of the genre with unknown stuff, these comps work as "radio programming" the way great comps do.

Disc 3 has yet more mystery "bonus tracks", along with certifiable greats such as the Mummies ("House on the Hill", 1313 Mockingbird Lane, The Ramblers, along with Falling Spikes, Tony Borlotti E I Suoi Flauers, Manganzoides, and LOTS more. Moving on, Disc 4 (yep, more "bonus tracks"), features the fab Launderettes, Marry Me Mary, Fleshtones, and the Stomachmouths, stacked alongside The Nuthins, Teddy Boys From the Crypt, Agenetes Secretos... there are VERY few acts repeated ad infinitum (another pitfall that this comp avoids), each disc is, really, consistently brilliant, listenable, and you just sit there in amazement at the wonderful sloppy amateurism of these bands that simply rock out, I would bet you a million bucks that not ONE band on this entire comp would actually COMPLAIN about being featured here so MORE PEOPLE CAN HEAR THEM, like, you know, some bands might do (Hi, Green Day, Corrosion of Conformity, Bratmobile, Sublime)...... the world is divided into two camps... one that "gets it".... one that "doesn't"

Plenty-a great shit on disc 5 as well, Headcoatees, The Pandoras, The Tell-Tale Hearts, and the Kartoons, as well as lesser-known greats Optic Nerve, Lost Marbles, Los Impossibles, and Get Lost. How about Disc 6? Sorry, no let down there either, Fuzztones ("The People In Me"), Thanes, Chesterfield Kings, Lyres.... all have been featured earlier, but by no means over-exposed, as well as the wonderfully named Tuna Tacos, Muck and the Mires, Slow Slushy Boys, Lust-O-Rama.....the great thing about primitive garage rock is we will (literally) NEVER run out of it, as long as we have electric guitars, marijuana, beer, and garages, and people who still make music for FUN rather than false dreams of fame.

Disc 7 features a track from the fantastic Miracle Workers, Kek 66, the Crawdaddys ripping of "Oh Baby Doll", the legendary Monks ("Hang Up"), .. .for what more could you ask? Well, how about Cornflake Zoo, The Woody Peakers, and Fuad & the Fuzztones... certainly you have the idea by now... this is a set that should be in every household on the planet, provided the occupants actually want to have fun........
Well, we're up to Disc 8 of Volume 8 now, gotta love some Wylde Mammoths, Green Telescopes (highly underappreciated), Los Peyotes, and Mondo Topless (great moniker at the very least)... The Preachers mangle "Little Re Book", Sick Rose skewer "99th Floor", we get the Down N Outs, Smooth Filthy, and a great time is had by all........
We finally wrap up Volume 8 with Disc 9, more welcome stuff from the Brood, Miracle Workers,
Cynics, Fuzztones, Tell-Tale Hearts, the Thanes, the Pandoras.... obviously trying to fit in everything he wanted before wrapping up the series... closing it up is Surfin' Lungs "Munsters Theme"
OK, so that is Volume 8... there is one more disc, Volume 9.... WHY? it is not just one more disc of Volume 8 I will never know, deliberately confusing is all I can think of as certainly the Chesterfield Kings, Thanes, Fuzztones, and frankly pretty much everyone on the disc is making repeat appearance... ahhhh well... this is a great set, a wonderful "internet only" set that, as always, I consider a "labor of love" and compiled with compassion and the interest that only a true music LOVER can muster.
Fuzzface's blog is long gone, done't know if he got shut down or if he just tired of it.... but he did a great job with this set, I'll NEVER understand his numbering system, but there ya go......along with Katrakyla (tomorrow perhaps) one of the greatest ever internet compilers of modern-day retro garage rock..... I've got more for you. Lots more. Let's hear some opinions on this stuff. Please?

VOLUME 8 DISC 1-01 THE PLAYBOYS-They Can't Hurt Me/02 THE STEMS-Tears Me In Two/03 THE MYSTIC EYES-My Time to Leave/04 THE CHESSMEN-He'll Go Away/05 LUST O RAMA-Baby Baby/06 THE BO-WEEVILS-Have You Been To Mars/07 THE BROOD-Writin On the Wall/08 CAPT. FUTURE & THE ZAPGUNS-King of the Orient/09 CHESTERFIELD KINGS-Baby Doll/10 THE LINKERS-Suzy/11 THE LYRES-Help you Ann/12 THE CYNICS-I Don't Need You/13 THE INDIKATION-Yes I Do/14 UNCLAIMED-Disposition Central/15 THE CUTBACKS-Too Much Baby/16 THE STAGGERS-Little Boy Blue/17 THE COSMIC DROPOUTS-Land of My Dreams/18 THE BOGEYMEN-Break Away/19 THE CREEPS-Down at the Nightclub/20 CRIMSON SHADOWS-The Vampire/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK/23 BONUS TRACK/24 BONUS TRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 2-01 THE BACKDOOR MEN-Out of My Mind/02 1-2-5-Hard to Find/03 99TH FLOOR-Never More/04 YARD TRAUMA-Little Girl Who Left/05 THE PROJECTILES-Heart Full Of Rain/06 NOMADS-She Pays the Rent/07 THE HEADLESS HORSEMEN-Gotta Be Cool/08 THE ELIMENT-Tell Me/09 BABY WOODROSE-Hippe Chick/10 THE FUZZTONES-Heathen Set/11 HANGEE V-It's Not TIme/12 THE SHAKE-Can't Fight Your Lovin'/13 THE OUTTA PLACE-They Prefer Blondes/14 MACCHINA DEL TEMPO-Non Ti Votero Mai/15 THE OFFHOOKS-I Can Take It/16 THE RIOTS-Tell Me Tonight/17 THE PRIMATES-The Creep18 GRAVEDIGGER V-Do Like Me/19 THE QUEEN HORNETS-Peepin Tom/20 THE GRUESOMES-Cave In!/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK/23 BONUS TRACK/24 BONUS TRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 03-01 THE HOODS-Never Got Thru/02 THE RAMBLERS-Here I Go/03 DOCTOR EXPLOSION-Ella No Eres Tu/04 SHUTDOWN 66-Gone For Bad/05 1313 MOCKINGBIRD LANE-Spider and The Fly/06 THE RAPIERS-A Certain Girl/07 PRESSION X-I Can't Keep On Crying/08 GLI AVVOLTOI-La Follia/09 THE YESTERDAY THOUGHTS-Yesterday's Thoughts/10 THE ACE-TONES-You're No Good/11 BOOSTER VALVES-Hot Plate/12 CANNIBALS-The Submarine Song/13 THE DEFECTORS-It's Gonna Take Some Time/14 MANGANZOIDES-El Espectro/15 THE FALLING SPIKES-Don't Crowd Me/16 TONY BORLOTTI E I SUOI FLAUERS-Il Mondo E'Strano/17 THE GRAVES-Day Dream Lover/18 THE MYSTREATED-Angel of Light/19 THE INSOMNIACS-Maryanne Lightly/20 THE MUMMIES-The House on the Hill/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 4-01 THE FIENDS-She Looks Outa Sight/02 THE WOGGLES-It's My Life/03
THE JAYBIRDS-I'm a Lover Not a Fighter/04 THE KAISERS-What You Wanna Say/05 THE LAUNDERETTES-Too Late To Say You're Sorry/06 THE MAGGOTS-What's a Girl To Do/07 THE NUTHINS-Allergic Kiss/08 THE ULTRA 5-It's a Long Way Home!/09 THE FLESHTONES-American Beat 84/10 THE UGLY BEATS-I'll Walk Away/11 THE VIPERS-We're Outta Here/12 THE KLIEK-Sandra/13 THE WALKING SCREAMS-I Tell No Lies/14 THE STOMACHMOUTHS-I Leave/15 AGENTES SECRETOS-Un Dia Malo/16 TEDDY BOYS FROM THE CRYPT-Left Far Behind/17 THE WAY OUTS-Can't Take No More/18 THE BOBBY TRAPS-Shoulda Known Better/19 MARRY ME MARY-Lunatic/20 THE VICE BARONS-Street Action/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK/23 BONUS TRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 5-01 THE DELMONAS-Chains/02THE EVIL THINGIES-Enough of Your Lies/03 THE FEENDS-No More/04 GET LOST-Madmation/05 THE HEADCOATEES-Mess of Potagge/06 THE KARTOONS-L'inferno E Qui/07 THE LAST DRIVE-Every Night/08 THE MARGIN OF SANITY-Get Yourself Round Here/09 THE NOCOUNTS-Blown Away/10 THE OPTIC NERVE-Aint That A Man/11 THE SHERLOCKS-One Black Sheep/12 THE LOST MARBLES-It's a Gasout/13 THE PANDORAS-I Didn't Cry/14 THE REACTION-Make Up Your Mind/15 THE SATANS-Love Seems Doomed/16 THE TELL TALE HEARTS-I Get Up In the Morning/17 THE UNCLAIMED-The Sorrow/18 THE VINDICATORS-Searching For My Baby/19 LES SOUCOUPES VIOLENTES-Dans Ta Bouche/20 LOS IMPOSIBLES-Baby Elephant Walk/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK

Cosa/03 THE SKELETONS-Sour Snow/04 THE BRISTOLS-True True Lovin/05 SHEETAH & LES WEISSMULLER-Chien M Chant/06 THE MOVING SOUNDS-All Good Things/07 ZEBRA STRIPES-Hurtin Kind/08 FRANTIC FIVE-Liar Liar/09 THEE GLOOMIES-Hang Up/10 THE HIGHSPEED V-I Don't Mind/11 THE KWYET KINGS-Don't Doubt My Love/12 THE LORDS OF ALTAMONT-Time/13 THE MIDWAYS-Got No Right/14 THE NUGGETS-Run For Your Life/15 THE OTHERS-Won't Lose Your Love/16 PIKES IN PANIK-Summer Girl/17 THE REAL PILLS-Redemption/18 THE SATELLITERS-It's Not True/19 PLAN 9-I'm Not There/20 THE GHASTLY ONES-Full Throttle Empty Bottle/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 7-01 THE UNTOLD FABLES-Wendylyn/02 THE WHAT FOR-Rotkarierte Petersilie/03 CORNFLAKE ZOO-I See You/04 THE ELECTRIC SHIELDS-Cry Baby Cry/05 DOUBLE NAUGHT SPIES-2-Timin Baby/06 THE GIANT ROBOTS-Bye Bye Baby/07 THE GODZILLAS-Maybe/08 THE HOODWINKS-Hurtin Inside/09 LOVE DELEGATION-I've Been Around/10 THE MIRACLE WORKERS-Inside Out/11 KEK' 66-Prison Cell/12 THE OTHERSIDE-The Haunted House/13 THE MONKS-Hang Up/14 ROADRUNNERS-Payback Time/15 SEX MUSEUM-Independence/16 THE THANES-Gone Away Girl/17 THE UNTIGHT-Fun Gotta Get Some/18 WOODY PEAKERS-She's Going On/19 THE CRAWDADDYS-Oh Baby Doll/20 FUAD & THE FEZZTONES-Allah Mode/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK

GRAINS-Heart Full Of Rain/04 THE HUNCHMEN-Like No Other Man/05 MONDO TOPLESS-Amazon Queen/06 THE PREACHERS-Little Red Book/07 SMOOTH FILTHY-Everybody/08 DEE RANGERS-Those Days Are Gone/09 THE TRAPMEN-Groove/10 THE WORST-Afraid the Dark/11 THE DUKES-She'll Be Mine/12 THE GREEN HORNETS-Make Me Wanna Die/13 THE PRIMTEENS-Li'l By Blue/14 THE SICK ROSE-99th Floor/15 THE WYLDE MAMMOTHS-Help That Girl/16 THE GREEN TELESCOPES-Thinkin About Today/17 LOS PEYOTES-El Humo Te Ha Mal/18 THE PURITANS-Grey Clouds/19 LOS SHAMBLES-Nadaie Te Quiere Ya/20 SOUND EXPLOSION-The Greek/21 BONUS TRACK/22 BONUS TRACK

VOLUME 8 DISC 9-01 LOS MACANA-Radio Go/02 THE FUZZZTONES-Action Speaks Louder Than Words/03 THE PANDORAS-You're All Talk/04 THE CREEPS-She's Gone/05 THE CYNICS-Creepin/06 THE GRAVEDIGGER V-The Ugly Child/07 THE MIRACLE WORKERS-Love Has No Time/08 THE PRIMATES-I Go Ape/09 THE FURTIVOS-No Puedo Aguantar Mas/10 SEX MUSEUM-You/11 THE FRANTIC FIVE-Good Lovin/12 THE THANES-Now It's Your Turn To Cry/13 TELL TALE HEARTS-No Surprise/14 THE WYLDE MAMMOTHS-Things That Matter/15 THE OUTTA PLACE-Don't Crowd Me/16 THE BROOD-Party Crashin/17 THE MAGGOTS-Uh Uh The Bigger the Better/18 THE LINKERS-Way It's Gonna Be/19 THE NEANDERTHALS-Lil' Xke/20 SURFIN LUNGS-Munsters Theme

VOLUME 9-01 LAS MEMBRANAS-Llorare/02 LUST O RAMA-Can't Do Another Mistake/03

RAY DAYTONA-Hole In the Ground/04 UG & THE CAVEMEN-I'm Evil/05 TUNA TACOS-I Don't Believe It/06 THE FUZZTONES-The People In Me/07 THE SATELLITERS-It Came To Me/08 FUMESTONESAhora Soy un Cerdo (por Tu Amor)/09 MUCK & THE MIRES-I'm Down With That/10 DEFECTORS-The Zoom Out/11 THE THANES-I'll Find Out/12 NUTHINS-Hang 9/13 LOVE DELEGATION-Through the Night/14 LOS PEYOTES-Te Pegare/15 SLOW SLUSHY BOYS-Boogaloo Down Broadway/16 CHESTERFIELD KINGS-She Told Me Lies/17 LYRES-Nobody But Me/18 THE 14TH WRAY-Your Face Is In My Mind/19 GLI SCIACALLI-Mai
My friends, that is a lot of material, and a lot of GOOD material... Fuzzface has go to that great Blog-o-sphere in the sky, but this, his finest creation, will outlast all of us as a classic compilation series! THANK YOU FUZZFACE WHEREVER YOU ARE!

PS If you are getting as bored with "Scott Andridge" as I am, please do me a favor and tell him so... I thought he might be "fun", like tormenting a small child or something, but he is JUST SO STUPID there is no talking to him and the entertainment value is compromised. I mean, is there ANYONE other than him that does not understand that I LOVE the bands I profile on here, including the Seeds... OR anyone who can't grasp that about 95% of the Seeds charm was in their sloppy amateurishness? Seemed like easy concepts, but this guy simply DOES NOT SEEM TO GET IT. I know I have many friends on the blog,maybe one of you can explain these facts to him, and also advise him that there are LOTS of other blogs (it would seem he doesn't care much for this one) that he could frequent and enjoy... I simply cannot seem to get the words through his skull.... one of my amigos out there, PLEASE try and explain it to him so we can concentrate on what matters, which to me is providing and sharing rare/obscure music, and to him, for some reason, seems to be finding out the dimensions of my genitalia.......it does, indeed, take ALL kinds to make up a world!