So, Jon S, whom has already provided us with many great Elvis Costello and PJ Harvey boots this week, now turns his attention to one of MY faves Radiohead.....his writeup is as good as anything I could do, so, I turn this one over to my new friend Jon S, with the encouragement to KEEP IT UP, I LOVE guest submissions more than ANYTHING!
With the release of another song and video today, and with a new album coming on Sunday, it seems like a good time for a couple of essential and rare Radiohead boots.
The first is from October 6, 2003 in Atlanta. This is the only Radiohead show I ever got to see. Its always great to find a recording of a concert you attended. Thom Yorke's birthday was the next day so there is some nice interaction with the crowd. The band was fully engaged; this is one of the best shows I've ever seen. A radio broadcast so the recording is nearly perfect.
01 The Gloaming/02 There There/03 2+2=5/04 Where I End And You Begin/05 Exit Music/06 Morning Bell/07 Myxomatosis/08 Paranoid Android/09 In Limbo/10 Sail To The Moon/11 Creep/12 Scatterbrain/13 Go To Sleep/14 I Might Be Wrong/15 Idioteque/16 You And Whose Army/17 Sit Down, Stand Up/18 No Surprises/19 The National Anthem/20 A Wolf At The Door/21 Fake Plastic Trees/22 Airbag/23 Everything In Its Right Place
01 The National Anthem/02 Hunting Bears/03 Morning Bell/04 My Iron Lung/05 Karma Police/06 Permanent Daylight/07 Climbing Up The Walls/08 No Surprises/09 Dollars And Cents/10 Airbag/11 Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box/12 Fake Plastic Trees/13 I Might Be Wrong/14 Pyramid Song/15 Paranoid Android/16 Idioteque/17 Everything In Its Right Place/18 Like Spinning Plates/19 Lucky/20 You And Whose Army/21 How To Disappear Completely/22 Talk Show Host/23 Street Spirit (Fade Out)
in two parts:
WOW, September 11, 2001..... remember well I was supposed to see Tool that night, of course it was cancelled... I think I may have the Atlanta show (uncertain), but the Berlin one is new to me, and also significant due to, of course, the date. Thanks Jon S and PLEEEEASE keep up the stellar work!
I was supposed to see Propagandhi that night but I heard they cancelled the rest of the tour & went back to Canada. My friend's band was even going to open. That would have been a very interesting show.