whatever.......BIG MISTAKE.......this German band kicks unreal ass with their shoegaze/psych/power-pop hybrid......I love every last second of it, it's all great, and I personally apologize to ALL of you for not posting this earlier......tremendous!
EP1-01 Breathe Bullets Which Taste Like Pure Fruit/02 Muffhead/03 Wendy/04 Lower

EP2-01 Initiate Contact According to the Sound of Your Heart/02 Today/03 Casun Casun/04 Iwo Jima Island/05 Navas Nightlight Tigers/06 Eyes Collide
This really IS tremendous, IMO.......sometimes I get stuff and forget about it, like this....bit I am TELLING YOU NOW, these are GREAT and you WANT them......translation: DON'T ask me for them three years from now!
Seriously, if you are a fan of My Bloody Valentine, for example, and you miss this? Shame upon you.....these EP's are simply off the charts tremendous!