Thought I might as well put up another 1980's sort-of-unknown gem, from Legal Weapon, with their debut album (1982) "The Death of Innocence".....quite good female fronted punk rock, this is a REALLY good album that got buried by history, I guess.......really. I always liked this one a LOT, in particular Kat Arthur's fab vocals......this is one that you may not know about, but if you take my word on stuff, this is one you will want to hear, it's REALLY good......I don't know much about the band's history, or anything they did after this one, really, but this one? Yep, it's fab, and if you are a lover of 1980's American punk, especially fronted by a chick, if you missed this one the first time, you WON'T want to again.....good fucking album, I PROMISE you.
THE DEATH OF INNOCENCE-01 Future Heat/02 Waiting In Line/03 Death of Innocence/04 Out of Control/05 User/06 Don't Pretend/07 War Babies/08 No Sorrow/09 Wanna Be/10 Daddy's Gone Mad
One of the most (to me) overlooked punk bands of the 80's........check it out as you wish, but I'm telling you, and I NEVER steer you wrong, do I? If you missed this one before, you missed a GOOD one.