these here are worth your while to listen to......tomorrow, plenty of demos, collaborations and other surprises! Not much detail to add to these, except play these motherfuckers loud.
COACHELLA 4/29/07-01 Intro/02 Testify/03 Bulls on Parade/04 People of the Sun/05 Bombtrack/06 Bullet in the Head/07 Know Your Enemy/08 Down Radio/09 Guerilla Radio/10 Renegades of Funk/11 Calm Like a Bomb/.12 Sleep Now in the Fire/13 Wake Up/14 Intermission/15 Freedom/16 Killing in the Name/17 Township rebellion

JUSTIFY THOSE THAT DIE-AMSTERDAM-2/7/93-01 Wake Up/02 Settle For Nothing/03 Killing In
the Name/04 Freedom/05 Killing In the Name/06 Bullet in the Head/07 Killing in the Name (remix)
BIG DAY OUT-AUKLAND NEW ZEALAND 1/18/08-01 Testify/02 Bulls on Parade/03 People of the Sun/04 Bombtrack/05 Know Your Enemey/06 Bullet in the Head/07 Tire Me/08 Vietnow/09 Guerrilla Radio/10 Calm Like a Bomb/11 Sleep Now In the Fire/12 Wake Up/13 Encore Break/14 Freedom/15 Killing in the Name
GOTTA love this band (of course, if they (like Gang of Four) were "true" to their convictions, they chould have given away thier records for free........maybe I just missed that part, I dunno).....great live sets, adn remember, MORE good RATM tomorrow as I wrap this part up!
get up
Big Night