Once again my weakness for non-English language rock gets me, this time with a really good collection of punkish numbers from Yugoslavia. Likely having read this far you ALREADY know whether you want this one or not, my experience is that most yanks either love or hate this kind of thing.......IF you like this kind of thing, though, this is a good one, bands from the late 70's-early 80's such as Pankrti, Grupa 92, Buldogi, and a few others......if you're a fan of the punk of that era (and if you aren't, why are you here?), do yourself a small favor and check this out, you won't be sorry.
NOVI PUNK VAL-01 PANKRTI-Anarhist/02 PANKRTI-Tovar si, jest vam ne verjamem/03 PANKRTI-Lublana je Bulana/04 PRLJAVO KAZALISTE-Moj otac je bio u ratu/05 GRUPA 92-Videti jih/06 PROBLEMI-Sranje/07 PROBLEMI-Grad izobilja/08 BERLINSKI ZID-Mozgani na asfaltu/09 BERLINSKI ZID-Po cestah mesta/10 PARAF-Narodna pjesma/11 GRUPA 92-Kontroliram misli/12 BULDOGI-To ni balet/13 TERMITI-Vjeran pas/14 TERMITI-Mama, s razlogom se brines/15 TERMITI-Vremenska progonoza