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Monday, January 30, 2017

Fabio sends another gem

(scott)....OK, hard to find info on this band, Arctic.......hard to find lineup, discography, country of
origin......howeveah, this 2016 album DOES rock like a motherfucker, I recommend you try it out.....anyone know anything about them? "Arctic Monkeys" get in the way of a Google search!

ARCTIC-01 Over Smoked/02 Cryptic Black Sun/03 Burnt Ice/04 Daewon/05 Higher

Thanks Fabio, another excellent share!

 Arctic - 2016 - Self Titled.rar


  1. Guitarist is Figgy of Harsh Toke, these 3 boys are pro-skaters. On bandcamp you must search under arcticskate... for infos

  2. Great stuff! Nice mix of Heavy and Energetic.
