(scott) from the large stash of Sonic Youth-related odds and ends sent to me by Lorcanwhite, here are a few
more hard to find gems.......thanks a zillion to Lorcanwhite and of course to all others who send material here.....we have a ton today (contributed material), so you can see exactly what the contributors mean to this site.....anyway, we have a good bit more Sonic Youth and related from this source, and we'll keep plugging until we get it all shared!
GOO DEMOS-01 Tunic/02 Number One/03 Titanium Expose/04 Dirty Boots/05 Corky/06 My Friend Goo/07 Bookstore/08 Animals/09 DV2/10 Blowjob/11 Lee#2/12 Dirty Boots (Single version)
HOLD THAT TIGER-01 Intro/02 Schizophrenia/03 Tom Valence/04 White Cross/05 Kotton Krown/06 Stereo Sanctity/07 Brother James/08 Pipeline/Kill Time/09 Catholic Block/10 Tuff Gnarl/11 Death Valey'69/12 Beauty Lies In the Eye/13 Expressway to Yr Skull/14 Pacific Coast HiWay/15 Loudmouth/16 I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You/17
Today Yr Love, Tomorrow the World/18 Beat on the Brat
TV SHIT-01 No. II (Part 1)/02 No. II (Part 2)/03 No. II (Part 3)/04 No. II (Part 4)